
Yay! Don’t Care About Football Anymore But Fuck The Pats! Yay!

That’s what I came looking for. Disappointed to see a commercial with Black Panther selling cars being hyped.

But kept slavery legal. So whatever they were protesting it was strictly self-serving.

Yeah... but they did carve out an exception to keep slavery legal at the time, so... you know.

Nothing says “institutional racism” like teachers assaulting kids when they want to protest issues that are relevant to black people.

Anchor: Well the Mueller investigation has come to an end and it appears our president is guilty of obstruction of justice, money laundering for the Russian mafia and colluding with the Russian govt to fix the election... But let’s focus on the BREAKING NEWS of Melania Trump divorcing the Donald. We’ll stay with this

The cholesterol in the eggs are deadly... eventually. You monster.

I know right? I went online to commiserate with people about plot holes and everyone is screaming about SJW or how women in charge ruined shit, and I’m like “Hey hey hey! Dial it back Hitler!”

Even if you are a football fan, all the pomp and circumstance of the preshow, the commercials, the hype, the ridiculous halftime show, all the people who don’t like football suddenly acting like rabid football fans, and just all the extraneous bullshit that get stuffed in there, I don’t know why you want to watch it

Anyone know the racial statistics on people freed from prison for being falsely convicted?

The memo has already served it’s purpose merely by existing. Specifically it will be the basis for congressional repubs to refuse to impeach Trump if/when Mueller’s investigation shows Trump obstructed justice, colluded with Russia during the campaign and/or laundered money for Russia.

It’s appropriate the video starts out with them as manikins. Corp owned and plastic.

You’d think so but our president is refusing to enforce sanctions our congress enacted to punish Russia for meddling in our elections, so you know... I doubt we’d be as forceful.

In other news, black people also don’t like white-supremacists.

This is why my hands start clenching every time some idiot asks “What systemic racism?”

And that Ladies and Gentlemen, is how you help cultivate a culture of rape and abuse. Good job, Baldwin, I’m sure millions of untold men who have and will continue to get away with it, appreciate your efforts.

BR2049 was visually spectacular and sensually overwhelming film. I mean it wasn’t until a few hours after I’d left the theater that I was able to begin processing what I’d seen. And the movie just isn’t as good as how it looks tries to make you think.

I never watched Ferguson when he was on the air, but man, sometimes 2 or 3 hours go by watching his clips on youtube interviewing people.

You’re making excuses for institutional harassment.

Trump would after her. He couldn’t help himself.