Keep swinging that fucking wrecking ball. Bring it all down.
Keep swinging that fucking wrecking ball. Bring it all down.
May I recommend Calvin & Hobbes over Garfield.
Lol yeah, I’ve always told my kid “There may be an argument about who is number one and who is number two, me or your mom, but there is no argument who is number 3... you.”
We’re spot on. My kid is 12, his wake up time is 7, he goes to bed at 9. (ok, between 9 and 9:30 depending on the vicissitudes of reality.
“There’s an open question. I have not heard anything about that”
Just like the cops, they only support them when they’re killing brown people.
Only when they’re killing brown people.
I don’t think he shouldn’t be painted with the broad brush of sexual assault that’s being applied to people like Weinstein and Moore. But frankly that’s not my call to make (Thank god!), so I won’t tell anyone not to do it.
Swing that wrecking ball hard.
A ridiculous proposition that isn’t worth the energy to refute.
I see what you’re saying but the point is it IS illegal. Also the goal shouldn’t be to lower the bar to the level of people who abuse the system, but rather change the rules for law enforcement being able to lie.
My favorite “nuh uh” comments have been along the lines of “It shouldn’t even be illegal to like to the FBI!”
Divinity Original Sin. Got it about a year ago on a Steam sale and have tried 2 or 3 times to get into it but I couldn’t. Just tried again a week ago and DAMN I got hooked.
There is no question as to whether it’s a sellout or not. It is. It’s not debatable. They’re taking money in exchange for surrendering the right to express themselves as they please. That is selling out.
Sorry scumbag, the secret door lock makes it clear that denying your victims consent was a very premeditated part of your plan.
Yeah, I’d take not being murdered in the streets by police over reparations, but I wouldn’t turn them down. After all... they’re owed.
Black Person: I want equality.
“You can’t walk around with your pussy looking like your mama’s. Go get the damn wax.”
That precedent doesn’t count for much if the govt repeals net neutrality. It’s clearly a ln invitation to revisit the issue. Give the fact the govt had a chance to weigh in.
Because a fine isn’t prevention. Also once the rules of net neutrality are repealed there’s no guarantee that such a fine would still stand if challenged.