designed to lure kids into spending money
designed to lure kids into spending money
That moment when she realized she was so shallow she could be tortured through “event planning”. That was wonderful.
Good. I love this show. And I love Tahani. Not the actress, mind you, whom I know not at all, but the actual character, Tahani. Love her to bits!
When you see Franken’s name/image lumped in with Roy Moore, Kevin Spacey, Weinstein, etc... it is absolutely being done.
“well I know god has a sense of humor”
Maybe they think that for what Al Franken did do, which they acknowledge, it doesn’t rise to the level of being painted with the same brush as statutory rape or sexual assault?
He’s got a damn good point. No one, especially members of the press should take Trump at his word. He lies so much the default response to any claim by Trump should be “Really? Can you prove that?”
Absolutely, having an excuse to dress up is nice too.
A lot of what you say is true but it applies only to the shallow trappings of the event, not to the art form itself, and ultimately applies only to those who choose to partake.
Yes. No individual should have that kind of power.
Keep it legal!
“It’s just another case of what African-Americans would call white privilege,”
I’m think based on tone and style, John Wick’s ancestor is Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai.
No whataboutism is about deflecting. I am not deflecting. I just don’t want there to be two standards of behavior that punishes dems for being ethical (relatively speaking) and rewards repubs for being scum.
Not instantaneously.
It’s not whataboutism. If it were whataboutism I’d be saying that Franken’s behavior doesn’t matter because of other people’s behavior. I’m not saying that. I’m saying he should absolutely resign.
Indeed but again it would be rude to push to the front of the line. He can resign right after Moore drops out of the race and when Trump steps down too.
Since there is a line, once Moore drops out of the race for senator, he can resign. It would be rude for him to jump ahead.
I love when someone takes action against racists/bigots/nazis, etc... and conservatives holler “anti-conservative bias!”
Looks like Twitter wants their cake of looking like they don’t support racists/bigots, and eating it too by not actually losing the traffic they generate by just kicking them off of Twitter as they should.