
It’s insane that a 2011 PC game can be modded to look better than/comparable than anything available today.

We asked 100 people to name a white identity extremist group... you said... “Nothing” Survey says? X!

Everyone in court should have a defense attorney and hats off to those attorneys who defend those that are the scum of the earth just to protect that ideal.

*WHOOOSH!* Right over my head.

Our prisons are full of innocent minorities due to racist cops, prosecutors and judges. It boggles the mind whenever some ignorant fuckstain says “What systemic racism?”

DUI conviction. Admitted to slapping his girlfriend around. Recordings him making insanely disgusting anti-Semitic and racist remarks.

If anyone from NBC tries to deny that Megan Kelly is having problems booking guests, just reply with: Suzanne Somers.

As I said, it was a while ago so I don’t remember specifics, but I just remember being very disappointed in it. I think being R* I had a much higher expectation for interacting with the environment then what we got?

So what’s the deal with the L.A. Noire resurgence? I’ll admit I don’t remember much about the game but I remember how disappointed I was by it.

You forgot: Hillary’s emails!!!!

Aint no skin thick enough to put up with what black people put up with. We gotta fight back.

The problem with this is you’d end up with a society of people who were all sociologically the same. Where’s the variation? Institutionalizing the human experience from birth, through the formative years of life would end up causing a lot more problems than it solves.

I just finished watching Smiley’s People. Such a small role, no lines, so good.

He should get into Star Wars too. I could see him playing a younger Yoda. Like back when Yoda was only like 100, before he shriveled up into an 800yo muppet.

1. Don’t touch children that aren’t yours. Everyone should know this. Teachers especially so. Hope this teacher is fired and never works with children again.

Was I ever taking advantage of any meager power I had? You start to wonder

They should go with CHUDs

No, it says the IRS was using the wrong criteria to target groups for auditing. But since the IRS was auditing both conservative and liberal groups, clearly what you’re implying is just bullshit right-wing, Fox News talking points used to snow gullible schmucks like you.

No, you can’t back it up.

I’d have an easier time believing you if you could back that statement up. But you can’t.