
call from the school’s assistant principal last Thursday, saying that someone had used profanity

And we’re making up new ones daily!

It’s a weird, sick and sad one, but also another hallmark of white privilege: when there is a mass death tragedy, you never have to worry about the race of the perpetrator reflecting poorly on you. 

White privilege literally means never having to say you’re sorry.

Something I think is interesting is that the film ended and Thor didn’t recover his hammer, nor aside from the moment when he figures out he’s the god of thunder without his hammer, is it mentioned again.

Yeah, someone at work today was asking me who Karl Urban’s character was and why he can’t remember him. I had to tell him “cause he’s new”. He really did seem like someone you should know.

Same here. Great movie and I loved it but I can’t help but think it would have had a lot more impact had it tried to make me care about anything more than what the next joke would be.

We have the most guns and the highest level of gun ownership. We also have the most mass shootings. Clearly if “good guy with a gun” meant anything we wouldn’t have these problems.

What’s embarrassingly wrong about this ruling is that it takes the measure of what a reasonable cop might think and turns it on it’s head. I mean, given the phrase, “Give me a lawyer, dog” a reasonable cop is supposed to think the person is asking for a dog that graduated law school and passed the bar? Fucking

Gentlemen, gentlemen!! Let’s not fight. You both suck!

Come on. One sentence. The phrase “pulling a Kaepernick” let me know he was about to unload some grade A stupidity.

First of all, let me just say... Tahani. Don’t care what they do. I love her so much.

Because it’s not comparable. Hillary having control of the party that was supposed to be neutral during the primaries is unethical.

Because it’s not comparable. Hillary having control of the party that was supposed to be neutral during the primaries is unethical.

Hillary’s contributions to the party doesn’t make it ok for the party to no longer be neutral in a contest it is supposed to be neutral.

None of that addresses the unethical nature of the DNC giving Hillary control of the organization before she won the primaries.

Great episode. Started annoyed by the kids and realizing how the story was going to play out then totally sucked in because it was done so well. Penny Johnson Jerald nailed it. Her performance combined with so little Seth MacFarlane in it, made this episode was the most Star Trek of them all so far. It could have been

Ah ok, I didn’t realize you were accusing Brazille of making the whole thing up. Nevermind, you’re a silly person.

You’re talking about the agreement to share funds that was giving to all candidates. I’m talking about the agreement the DNC made with Hillary’s campaign:

You posted. You care.