
“lack of “institutional collegiality.””

Kelly seems to appeal only to old white people. And the real question here is: What did NBC expect?

Abbott’s remarks “must be observed in their totality to understand their context.”

“he just wants the truth”

she kind of reminds me of that one guy in high school who caught that one game-winning touchdown during the homecoming game of 1992 and comes back to the high school reunion 20 years later balding, unhappy, and still rambling about how the homecoming game of 1992 was the best day of his life.

It depends, how do you feel about the fact that the police did nothing?

Torment? I take it you’ve never had your salad tossed!

8 Texas congressmen (R, Duh!) voted against hurricane Sandy relief when it hit New Jersey back in ‘12.

And they wonder why we think they’re racist.

No, that would be the pallet. The weed was just along for the ride.

Getting so tired of this shit. A local civil govt decided to remove a statue honoring a treasonous rebel who waged war against America in order to preserve slavery, and what was the response? Right-wing neo-nazis and white supremacists from all around the country descended on the town, a literal torch wielding,

“I can’t picture how a police officer who is sworn to uphold the law and be objective could go to sleep at night.”

Man who thinks confederate flag isn’t a symbol of racism, becomes symbol of racism.

How long before they just start rounding up brown skin people and just executing them in the streets?

I thought she was funny. Loved her show, loved her standup... Then came the Leather Special. I couldn’t finish watching it. I tried getting through 3 times. It was so unfunny. She owes Netflix a refund.

It did seem odd to me that Chris Pine seemed more like the more dramatic hero at the end of the movie who accomplished more.

There’ve been cops who were acquitted or got off because of a hung jury even though there was video evidence of them killing an unarmed black person with their back to the cop, or video of the cop strangling someone them to death,

I hope so. It’ll be open season if this asshole gets off.

I hope you’re right but it might be hard to convict him in Virgina. After all he’s just an good ol boy defending himself against confederate-hatin, antifa, commie, BLM, America-hatin, savages. Don’t be surprised if he’s acquitted or gets off because of a hung jury. Look how many cops don’t get convicted even when