Thank fucking god that racist in the blue dress put her hands on Captain Kickass first. It just makes the whole thing so damn enjoyable.
Thank fucking god that racist in the blue dress put her hands on Captain Kickass first. It just makes the whole thing so damn enjoyable.
That fetus was probably hoping it’s mom got some sense beat into her.
Probably less of than the amount of times Trump campaign people actually met with Russians.
Glad I read your comment. I was reading the article and thinking it sounded great but was sure I remembered being really disappointed when I played it.
We’ve abrogated or revoked people’s constitutional rights for a lot less than being a white supremacists or neo-nazis.
A few years ago it was leaked that the FBI was indeed working on a report to recognize and address right-wing terror groups. And repubs and many people all across the conservative spectrum freaked out claiming it was an Obama/dem attack on conservatives. So it got tanked.
your political opinions get you charged with felonies
This one is good for when I’m overthinking something.
White supremacist who marched with a group of torch wielding neo-nazis that chanted “JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US” has a problem with threats and harassment? How odd!
Also from Frank Herbert’s Dune:
When police stop being silent when other police murder unarmed innocent people, we can talk.
The story was finished? Who killed Jien Garson? Who was the mysterious benefactor? Whats up with the Remanent? What’s up with the Archon? What was the Scourge?
Gotta be honest, kinda relieved I’m not being asked to spend more money on this game. Frankly, I’d be happy with a blog post or a wiki article just to resolve the unanswered plot points.
Beyond that, Bioware’s games are no longer day 1 purchases. Now I’ll only get them significantly post launch, after the community…
Also we knew they weren’t planning on Andromeda 2 so DLC was the only hope of finishing the story.
First of all, what you’re saying here is different than the argument you made previously that removing these statues erases history because it leads to people removing books, which is a ridiculous and ignorant argument.
Not honoring traitorous rebels who fought to preserve slavery and erasing history are so different it’s a disgusting argument for you to make.
Unless you’re completely illiterate, ignorant and live completely off the grid, it’s not an issue.
Between the the way the NCAA treats its players and the NFL’s unbelievable disregard for their players’ health, and now this, giving up football has never been easier.
Couple of things. Firstly, it still was funny. Secondly because I do luvs me some Tina Fey I’m willing to acknowledge that for liability purposes NBC was not going to let Tina urge people to go out and protest/fight back in any way.