You can’t win with an egomaniac. Either you’re not sucking up enough, or you’re sucking up too much. You’re not enough like him, or you’re too much like him.
You can’t win with an egomaniac. Either you’re not sucking up enough, or you’re sucking up too much. You’re not enough like him, or you’re too much like him.
How cops work is white privilege. Assuming everyone cops arrest are guilty of something is also white privilege.
I hope so.
A good reminder that one of the hallmarks of white privilege is assuming anyone arrested deserves it.
You’ll note I didn’t say it was a hallmark of white people. Just white privilege.
It highlights another hallmark of white privilege: Assuming everyone the police arrests are guilty and thus deserves punishment.
That’s what counts as long as were enumerating who did the right thing with regards to this vote. In a larger context, a context many others are willing to use, he is not a hero nor a maverick for this vote.
My dad taught me to juggle in an afternoon with 3 tennis balls. Took him all of 5 min to teach, took me a couple hours of practice to get the gist of it.
Loving Liar, you’ve only got one real option and that’s just to lay it out and say, “hey, I know you think I cheated, but I didn’t cheat. I’m sorry for the way I handled the situation, I definitely screwed up, but if you can’t accept I didn’t cheat, we should end this now.”
I was agreeing with you. He did the right thing, not a hero.
That he cast this vote only after he knew he won’t be returning to the senate just highlights his cowardice. He’s no hero. Heroes go above and beyond, McCain just did the right thing when there was no risk to himself.
If I can liken Trump to a cancer on the presidency, and I think I can, then Scaramucci is what you get when Trump metastasizes. The cancer is spreading.
Good parenting does.
Let’s also remember that McCain did the right thing, only after he no longer would have to face the consequences.
If I can liken Trump to a cancer on the presidency, and I think I can, then Scaramucci is what you get when Trump metastasizes. The cancer is spreading.
I can point it out: by having people who want to serve in the military be allowed to.
Scale is too small.
I hope he gets the same level of care that he votes to let the rest of America have.
Definitely follow Lupita on Instagram. It’s such an unexpected day-brighter when you open it up and she’s just there doing something and having a ball doing it.