Yeah. Oh yeah.
Yeah. Oh yeah.
I’m talking alternate history. US. It’s successful. Directed by Tarantino.
How bout an alternative history that shows black people rising up and killing all the slave owners?
“the biggest compliment white people have for tropical brown people is that they’re hospitable”
Roll your eyes and say “Oh god, is it your birthday already?”
Failure to grovel to police while black. Punishment: Immediate extrajudicial assault to immediate extrajudicial execution.
I can’t believe this fuckstain came from receiving presumably govt paid life saving medical care, to take health insurance away from people.
I’m not sure if a repub gets brain cancer, you can say it’s a preexisting condition. I wanna know where he got the brain?
How close does it shave compared to a regular razor?
How close does it shave compared to a regular razor?
Yeah this is going to be nothing to see.
It’s not about proving. It’s about intimidation and given them the opportunity to come up with probable cause.
A. Fuck you, you ignorant asshole. There is no shortage of role models for boys.
This is one of those things where the answer just depends on the people involved. When my wife and I separated, we hadn’t been physical at all for a long time, but right after we separated we went at it like animals for a week. I stopped it when I realized it was just going to make separating harder.
Sure but I was responding more to the question posed “who ya gonna believe”. I’m just saying I don’t believe Sessions without having to commit to believing the Russian ambassador because Sessions is already a lying sack of shit.
At a Trump campaign event, that Sessions’ travel to was paid for by the Trump campaign, meeting with someone Sessions and others in the Trump campaign have lied about meeting, I don’t need third party confirmation to disbelieve Sessions.
Shut up, shut up SHUT UP! What the fuck is wrong with some people? Regardless of where you stand on abortion, a 12yo child was raped and is pregnant at 12 years old. If you’re not a member of her immediate family or her doctor, SHUT THE FUCK UP!! Leave this poor child alone. Go fight your fucking ideological battles…
I used one once. It was pretty great. The thing is, when we go to the beach we spend all day at the beach, from like 10am to 4 or 5pm for a week, cause we love the beach. But that’s just too much sun. Plus it’s cool to smoke weed in.
What about those other two cops who watched the first cop plant the evidence
Dang! I always forget that.