Say what you will about “Kamala is a cop”, but you can bet the incoming Justice Department appointees are going to be on the outgoing regime like white on rice.
Say what you will about “Kamala is a cop”, but you can bet the incoming Justice Department appointees are going to be on the outgoing regime like white on rice.
You’re welcome!
Headcanon: The Army was actually quietly supporting the A-Team. They had to make at least a token effort to try to stop them, so they dug through their ranks for the most incompetent officers they could find (Lynch, then Decker) and put them on the A-Team’s trail, knowing they were unlikely to succeed. The Army brass…
Body horror so demented that not even David Cronenberg could dare imagine it.
So he needed head to transform. That’s a whole different show.
Well said. Nothing to add. Just wanted to commend your wordsmithing, and I hope to be as eloquent as you in my political conversations in the future.
His policies are exactly why, not in spite of, 70 million voted for him...a truly horrific state of affairs...
I live in Detroit, Michigan. I am glad to have voted for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. I am very pleased that they have won the 2020 Presidential election. (And, yes, I will continue to vocally advocate for issues important to me. Being active doesn’t just end with an election.)
they won’t. Remember, the thing fueling anti-mask protest is fear. People are terrified of the notion that an invisible disease can cut you down, so they double down on conspiracy theories or anything that says they don’t. have to be afraid.
So if he really did get it? Oh it’s not that big of a deal.
And (god hoping) he…
Yeah, because White people said it this time
It is to white people.
South of the Mason-Dixon line, yes.
For readers of The Root? No.
At request of the judge no less.
Hell, just a couple of weeks ago the RNC dedicated four days to denying it exists.
To people outside the US, it is. It puts a stake right through all the Hollywood and Fox News bullshit most people outside the US know.
Oh, white people are perfectly willing to believe this. Indeed, a good chunk of the white population already knows this. It’s not white people that aren’t listening, it’s racists that aren’t listening.
Yes, studies have been done, but what your stale Google search fails to capture is a study with a conclusion. Simply stating or finding that blacks are incarcerated, arrested, etc at a higher rate does not answer the question “why”. The Harvard study explicitly names systemic racism as the why.
You have to repeat the facts until the only way they can drown them out is to start their own news networks and hide on conspiracy sites.