Or, hell, they’re more worried about the buildings that got burned than the people whose deaths prompted the protests in the first place.
Or, hell, they’re more worried about the buildings that got burned than the people whose deaths prompted the protests in the first place.
They do think property crimes are awful, though. You notice they keep bringing up all those burned buildings from the “BLM riots” when the January 6 hearings are discussed, because that’s SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than an actual attempt to overthrow the government.
It’s so rare, it only happens once a week in Ohio.
well, if you don’t remember it, then it couldn’t have happened. I’m sure Patton is just making it all up. Case settled.
Borges RULES!
Oh, for sure. Always punch Nazis. Always.
(nazis being the exception that proves the rule).
Rich and famous people learn about what the world thinks of them by hearing what that world says about them. You wanna know why Will Smith hasn’t made much of a peep over the last few weeks? So he doesn’t make any more of a complete fool of himself, and the world can forget about him for a little while.
I still do this. It’s the social norm to wear a mask still while shopping where I live and i’ll sometimes hit a couple of stores within a few blocks of one another. I’m not going to take my mask off for that short drive between stores.
My friend in middle school had to wear a gas mask every time he rode in a vehicle. Some sort of allergy.
What to you feel beyond “they’re going in and out of mask-required places a lot so they’re not bothering to unmask in between stops” or “their face is cold” or “they’re following employer policy” or most importantly, “it’s none of my damn business?”
Yeah! Isn’t it a pain to deal with people that all of a sudden are concerned about germ theory that they simply do the smallest of things to prevent themselves from getting illnesses such as the common cold or flu? How dare they put a mask on in their cars or when they’re out in a park? We’re just trying to be like…
Back during mask mandates, I would sometimes keep my mask on in the car when I was doing my weekly shopping when I was taking a short trip between stores, like driving from Target to the Fred Meyer across the street. For a really short drive like that, it just wasn’t worth the trouble of taking the mask off and…
Christ you are dumb.
Oh, like during allergy season? They must not like taking allergy meds as much as me.
You’re thinking of NYC from ‘70s and ‘80s movies. I remember NYC in the ‘80s and early ‘90s, yeah it was pretty shitty. These days it’s nothing like that.
So are you going to talk about the 10 people shot in Iowa yesterday? How about the mass shootings in other red states with lax gun laws. See fuckface we have strict gun laws here and in New Jersey & Connecticut but sadly that doesn’t prevent mouth breathing, Fox News watching Chud fucks like you from coming to our…
The murder rate in NYC is 5.5 per 100,000 inhabitants. The murder rate for the entire state of Florida is 5.9 per 100,000 inhabitants. 5.5 < 5.9
He looked like a strereotypical aryan and did literal nazi shit on the planet before going on to do literal nazi shit in the galaxy.
And what pushed the emperor to act and take over humanity was not religion. It was humanity getting its ass handed to them by AI powered robots and losing so much of its tech they…
While that’s true, it’s way too oversimplistic and makes it sound like the Emperor was good and things just got away from him when he sorta died.
That’s not even remotely close to true. He was a terrible person and his vision was also very very fascistly bad beforehand. I mean, I tend to agree that religion are not…