
Part of the reason there are so many more conservative Dems than there are liberal Republicans (an honest to God thing that really used to exist, went extinct around the time rabbit ears on a TV became obsolete) is because you have to appeal to a much broader ideological range.

I see you are a person of culture as well.

The good one is Rogue One, right?

Exactly ! The 53% crew is no bastion of morality. They are fine with Trumps racism and violence against non-whites. If all these “Karens" getting caught on tape has taught people anything is White women are just as racist as White men. There racism and hate is more insidious though because they always feign ignorance

“I don’t know, I like _____, I just feel like he’s somebody I could have a beer with” is code for “I don’t like it when people are clearly smarter than me.”

No lies detected.  I don’t trust white women to do better until I see them doing so.  I am sorry if white women voted like black women in 2016 we wouldn’t have thousands of dead Americans right now.

If there’s anything that 2000, 2004, and 2016 taught me is never to trust the white American voter.

The Avengers is pretty damn far down the list of things to blame for American foreign policy and the military industrial complex lol.

The only thing that came up was “Shut the fuck up you hate-filled turd.”

There’s no such thing as “aborted babies.” Fetuses are aborted. Like your intellectual development. 

Jesus asshole, get over yourself. Nobody cares about your need to hump aborted fetuses.

She really did not need to name these people  in her little rant. She should just focus on her music instead of this “it’s not fair! why do they get to sing about sex and I just want to sing about lexapro and I get criticized” As if all of those women don’t get criticized for the content of their music too.

So there are no white women apart from Ariana that sing about sex? There aren’t white women doing the same thing Lana does that she can use to get her point across? It is laughable to think all the black women she mentioned don’t get criticized harshly. Lana, like Alison could have made her point without mentioning

You Dumb Fuck! I have a clean record and was a top honors student in high school. I was into robotics, systems administration and helping my community after school. Get your story straight, Bitch.

“Help them into jail, that is.” : P

The number of stops of young black men exceeded the entire city population of young black men (168,126 as compared to 158,406).

Michael Bloomberg is a racist, paternalistic asshole. He’s always been this way. He thinks we’re so stupid that we can’t make good choices for ourselves and he needs to make them for us. That’s why he thinks he can get away with telling such blatant lies and expect us to swallow it.

I call B.S. on any billionaire that says they actually care about people...

Federal Court ruled “Stop and Frisk” unconstitutional...

I remember when he enacted that policy....So many people getting frisked. I thought it would never happen to me (I was 17) since i was a “Law abiding Citizen”. One time during all of this, i was riding my bike on the road on Fordham road in the Bronx and i had to go to the side on the sidewalk to fix my seat. It was