
Your requirements entail you thinking up of additional scenarios that lack evidence to discredit something? That’s like saying “You say my company paid my salary directly to my bank account, but if that was possible then I’m pretty certain the Lottery could have paid me directly too and that hasn’t happened yet so I

This cannot be starred enough. Average life expectancy was dragged down by staggering infant and child mortality, along with maternal death (childbirth complications were depressingly fatal — caesarian section was historically largely a postmortem or last-resort procedure due to primitive surgical knowledge; in Great

Female elephants.

Trump didnt even wait for her father’s body to get cold before he was trashing him...and here is his daughter on The her father’s mortal enemy “the two hand twist gwak gwak gwak spit special”.... 

“43% of all people born prior to 1800 died before the age of 5.”—abbott_costello [confirmed for 1800; roughly confirmed for before 1800]

I think that fact is more designed to try to help illustrate how much a billion dollars is rather than tell us how right people get rich.

No, it doesn’t assume instantaneous distribution—Newton died a little longer than one instant ago! But it’s true that you need more information to reach the conclusion above.

Another fun one: We’re closer to the time of Cleopatra than she was to the time of the Gaza Pyramids’ construction.

Only ~1/2 of elephants can control their penises.  And a far smaller proportion of humans. 

Tendons and ligaments can get beefy as well with stress. I’m guessing these relatives also had forearms like hams.

I love this fact. Earth has been home to dinosaurs for literally hundreds of millions of years longer than humans, or even apes for that matter 

It seems odd that a lot of older relatives that do primarily heavy manual labor all have big chunky fingers.  Shaking hands with these guys is like shaking hands with The Thing.

You can’t fold a piece of paper in half 50 times. Guiness says the record is 12 times, with a piece of tissue paper 4000 feet long, at which point it’s debatable whether this is actually a piece of paper or a roll of paper. Props to Britney Gallivan for setting the record.

One of my favorite “fun” facts is that we’re closer in time to seeing a T-Rex than a T-Rex was to seeing a Stegosaurus (T-Rex went extinct about 65 million years ago, but Stegosaurus went extinct about 80 million years before T-Rex was even around).

Nick this is an absolutely delightful article and I insist that you keep collecting these facts every day for eternity. In exchange, I agree to visit one ad sponsor for this website per-year.

Pee Wee’s Big, Loud, “HEARD ANY GOOD JOKES LATELY!?” at the MTV Movie awards should be lesson one in how a white man gets scandaled and comes back with humility and humor rather than becoming a humorless aggrieved prick.

Agreed on Starr! He is mesmerising. And terrifying.

40% of America sees no problem with Homelander. In fact, they’ll probably send you back for attacking the flag, commie. 

Homelander is amazing and amazingly creepy. AV Club has the worst contrarian takes on everything possible. And I think they love blockbusters, crappy music (poptimism, guys!) and especially Marvel drivel to enjoy The Boys.

Homelander is insultingly unconvincing as the clean-cut Superman/Captain America type he’s clearly supposed to evoke.” Wrong. Anthony Starr is killing it in this role. What the public sees and what we (the viewer) sees are two different things.