
This is your “law-and-order” President, folks! TBF, at least inciting his supporters to burglarize homes is better than having them shoot-up and bomb media outlets, or assassinate sitting Congresscritters.

Wait a minute, wasn’t the “impenetrable fortress” of Mar-A-Lago technically ‘broken into’ a couple of months ago?

Smart people… Someone should look into that…

I hope every GOP congressman gets asked about Trump making fun of this.

The saddest part about it is the sheer number of it who still think they did the right thing; that Trump destroying the country was worth it to preserve their misguided (to put it charitably) idea of the importance of “ideological purity,” and that this whole mess is everybody else’s fault.

The fucking president is mocking a congressman for having his home robbed. Jfc.

He can’t forgive her for losing the election. All his big plans were ruined.

This obsession with Hilary is the longest Trump has ever been faithful to one woman.

Took the words right out of my mouth. St. Reagan was probably in the corner stroking it as they were taking the picture.

wow. the trolls really didn’t like this comment so now I’ll be bringing up you motherfuckers weird cuckolding fetish every chance i get.

With the amount of time white guys spend fantasizing about black men fucking their wives you know that was a big enough deposit in his spank bank to carry him well into retirement.

Yeah, but I have to admit, I am surprised by the fucking National Archives and I hope there’s a review of their release procedures.

For those of us who were around and aware during his presidency, there is nothing at all surprising about this “revelation”.

Somalia is the ultimate libertarian experiment - survival of the fittest, might makes right, he who has the gold makes the rules (never she). These people always think that unbridled capitalism would wind up like some Ayn Rand “paradise,” but a state without an effective government is the real outcome.

Send him back to the shithole that voted for him.

That’s the thing, though. Somalia is closer to his “free market” ideals than Germany. But his dumb woolly ass too dumb and woolly to recognize that.

No superhero story can be more realistic than any other superhero story. Plausible, maybe?

Hmmm. This article misses a lot of what makes The Boys worth watching. The writer claims the show has nothing to say yet the entire show is a massive takedown of celebrity culture and celebrity worship. These ‘heroes’ are mouthpieces and puppets for branded images, they have no agency, are stopped from doing anything

You're silly. 

Too bad they didn’t stick a little closer to the comics, which were less “superheroes are bad” and more “amoral corporations are bad and they’ll fuck the world up if you let them”. Also...they took the one black superhero on the team and made him white, then took the fast guy and made him black. Does that seem a