What the hell is he even grabbing onto in that video? Does he have those Mission Impossible gloves?
What the hell is he even grabbing onto in that video? Does he have those Mission Impossible gloves?
Right? People always laugh at the Wesley Snipes stories from that set, but rarely does it seem to come up that maybe he was having a natural reaction to them trying to hand the keys to a successful black action franchise to Ryan fuckin’ Reynolds.
After his daring rescue attempt, the brave son said he fully expected to be arrested once he reached the ground.
“After his daring rescue attempt, the brave son said he fully expected to be arrested once he reached the ground. Instead, a police officer on the scene sympathized with Jermaine’s situation and let him go.” It really says something awful about the state of this country when this was the most surprising part of the…
Son shaming? Hell, this is child shaming period. I’d like to think I’d do the same thing in the same situation, but I really doing know (before even taking into account my total lack of physical fitness). That’s true love right there. That whole family is lucky to have each other. I’m glad he and his mom were safe.
Don’t worry, Miles Morales Jermaine, your secret is safe with me.
All of this.
People think she can’t be racist because she’s Chinese? Tell that to the Chinese government locking up Uyghurs.
brian tyree henry- paper boi, from atlanta.
Blade 2 was the shit as well. It’s unfortunate that for Trinity they decided what Blade really needed was a team of Caucasians.
That’s the things that gets me: they never say it to other white people. Like, there is “America, love it or leave it,” but that is rhetorically different than “go back to .”
I’m not sure which is more shocking, the brazen way they lie about this or the sheer idiocy of the people who believe it.
If it wasn't about race they wouldnt be saying it to people born in the US. If it wasn't about race they wouldnt tell black people to go back to Africa.
See, all these idiots thought they transcended the color of their skin.
“Well, while we’re holding these filthy illegal asylum seekers, we might as well have them earn their keep...”
Just like Sandy Hook where people found it objectionable and promised to do something about it but nothing ever got done all while now denying that it ever happened.
Given the results of Sandy Hook, our soul appears to be fucked.
If white politicians were not moved enough seeing young white children lying DEAD in classrooms, or running from buildings with their hands on their heads, why on earth would they give a shzt about illegal immigrant brown and black children being locked up in cages, secually assaulted, starved, killed by neglect? Or…