Well it wasn't a bad article, but Howard does get beat about the head with "Arsenal Are Well And Truly Fucked," which amuses me since that was my headline but I get no shit for it.
Well it wasn't a bad article, but Howard does get beat about the head with "Arsenal Are Well And Truly Fucked," which amuses me since that was my headline but I get no shit for it.
Former Patriot Donte' Stallworth has a special place in his heart for "Slay Ride."
I don't know Donovan, he seems pretty automatic to me.
It's just a misunderstanding.
It's a real Snoop Doggy Dogg world sometimes Red Sox fans, it's a shame it seems like the Yankees have complete free rain on the free agent world. Cheer up though for all intensive purposes with the length of the contract in could be a blessing in the sky.
Do we do cotd? I think this is cotd.
"I was +1-ing..."
that would actually be a better tip than money.
took me awhile, but I got it.
Pot 2 just called the kettle "black"
Magfuckingnificent. +1 box of chocolates
Now I've heard of some tragic things, but this is probably the saddest thing I'll read all day. What has this world come to... I'm here shaking my head. My best goes out to the server's family.
I hope the poor kid's family doesn't read this article and scroll down to the comments and read Ray's harmless, personally-referencing non-joke. That would be awful. But hey, then they'd read your sanctimonious pearl-clutching, so I guess that would make them feel heaps better about their dead kid. Thanks for your…
I'm just excited to hear that some Gators made it into the EndZone.
All told though, major props to Shaq for stepping up when Tracy was in need and lending him a pair of his gluten-free pants.
And to think there were some who speculated that Ford would never run again.
"All of this..., has a setting. It's set to men."