Sorry pal, soccer is here to stay.
If Liverpool win Europa, they get an automatic spot in the CL group stages since no Prem League teams are left to win CL. If Man City had somehow won the CL this year, Liverpool would have been awarded a spot in the CL play-in round featuring a home and home.
Liverpool winning Europa means 5 Prem League teams will make…
This is the best adequate man post yet.
It’s a bit harrowing, but this will answer your question.
theirs the door. no offence.
As a kid, I loved fruit leather, but referred to them as fruit roll-ups. I also was a hyper-active maniac, so I was generally going through life with skinned knees and elbows.
God dammit, icecycle66, we talked about this. Punctuation goes inside quotation marks.
Don't worry buddy, your answer lies here.
Oh god dammit
Better Rhode(s): Dusty, Kerry, or Island?
I'll bite and explain myself. I spent thousands of dollars over the course of 2 years at this one bar paying full price everytime. I tipped well because I received exceptional service. At one point I said "Fuck it," and gave a twenty to the bartenders before ordering my first drink. I received free drinks for my…
Ur gay no offence
Don't assume the worst. Years of full priced booze and great service got us here. On a night where I knew things would get hazy later, I was glad to tip ahead of time. The free drinks were unexpected and appreciated. Also, I would tip at the end of the night, because signing a bar receipt without a tip feels like…
I would defend myself and set up the entire scenario, but oh God, you sound like a crazy person.
There is a bar that I used to frequent where I was on a first name basis with many of the tenured staff. I usually handed the bartender a twenty at the beginning of the night and tell them, "this is a tip and not towards my drinks." At the end of the night, my should-be $40-$50 tab is usually about $20. Also, it is a…