Gladiator Pi

This is amazing. Thank you so much for this.

Splattered and covered.

mother facker

As a bookie and not a gambler, what has been your worst loss after a football weekend/major sporting event? The most profitable?

That's fucking funny.

Normally listed around 5-11, the Panthers are ready for this season to start as well.

Not pictured: Phone 5

How excited are you to share an email exchange with Bill Barnwell that really breaks down the numbers of a given sport, only to have Bill Simmons reject the finished product because it lacked pop culture references?

I enjoyed this. +1


If you wipe your nose and get a gob of the runny snot (not the hard rock candy chunks that can easily be discarded), and have nowhere to wipe it, save your dress pants, is it okay to lick the snotty finger and immediately spit it out like a loogie? I just suffered this dilemma and want to know if I am a disgusting

Sandy Nerd


Now seems a good time to reprise the "Worst Story about [insert name]" genre.

Good thing EA Sports is not in charge of the investigation because this offense would go down as a first degree murder.

The real takeaway here is that I was prompted to search for Ian Darke's call of Landon Donvan's goal against Algeria during my lunch break. Everyone wants to know why my eyes are puffy now.

Loogit me DUAN!

It's a conscious decision to make the life change, like weight loss. Either you're all in or not. Sucks.

I went to high school with Chris Paul and he tried out for the baseball team his freshman year. Sadly to say, his amazing basketball skills did not translate, which, I guess is a counter point to the question and just another reason to bring up the fact that I went to high school with Chris Paul. He's also a good guy

His pictures: some have roughly 5-9 comments. I'll let you guess who comments.