
the Death troopers are Krennic’s Elite squad. There’s no reason that we needed to see them ANH. As for U-Wings, they’re drop ships more than they are starfighters. You don’t see anyone complaining that the A-wings and B-wings weren’t there, d o you?

Greg the Bunny

There could never be enough. Flew too close to the sun!

Most people who are/become vegetarians/vegans are completely removed from their food sources. They don’t understand how animals become food. I’ve helped at a family friend’s slaughter house before and I know what butchering an animal is like. Most people I know who have gone through this experience are definitely not

Ah, stage 1 Apple hate. Looking forward to witnessing the process but once again.

Maximilian from The Black Hole. Why? He didn't put up with shit from that little punk Vincent.

THIS guy.

There are 79 days until Christmas. That's hardly "almost". Can we at LEAST get through Halloween first?

Note: For those too young to remember, the McDLT was just a hamburger with lettuce, tomato and mayo.

I share this sentiment, but the problem with most sports watchers is that they aren't a casual crowd, they're overly impassioned group of people that get excited for something that hasn't any permanence to the point where they can riot if their team loses. That level of obsession for games that don't really mean shit

i did this last summer in the catskills. some friends who came camping for the first time didn't believe me that bears were an issue. they didn't feel the need to put their food up a tree.

"By 1896, much of the city's cable car trackage had been converted to electricity and incorporated into a growing electric railway network."


"I don't always agree with Gizmodo."

That's HedLEY!