
exactly. Rather than preload something which can be hacked, its far easier to make they payment one at a time (the transaction is easier to make, without the additional effort to load the card beforehand) without the risk of your money being taken. Starbucks should implement ApplePay, and this shit won't happen to

Take a look online at some of the companies that make this stuff and the new types they offer. It looks JUST like real grass. Its not the mini-golf astroturf you may be thinking of. If I lived in California and faced that sort of water restriction, I’d probably install this artificial grass ASAP.

and yet ApplePay and the secure element prevent this sort of thing.

Just another reason why CurrentC and similar bank-account connected payment systems are awful and should be avoided. ApplePay, Starbucks. ApplePay.

Certainly is. Just like in the movie. Had the Falcon been an ‘American’ vehicle, the entire cockpit portion would be on the OTHER side of the ship. Point remains, they are in the wrong seats. Hell, even when LANDO drove the thing, Chewie sat in the proper place and Lando sat in Han’s chair.

Its not an easter egg. Its just wrong.

Chewbacca and Han are sitting in the wrong seats. How can anyone with THAT attention to detail in regards to the ship and its inner workings get THAT wrong?

12 million trees? So what - the American book publishing industry cuts down THIRTY million each year so people can enjoy ‘turning pages’ and ‘smelling the books!’ rather than reading an ebook on a tablet.

They wouldn’t eat Rick out of professional courtesy.

Jar Jar was awful. In many ways. And yet, there was FAR worse happening in those damn prequels than the Gungan.

Which is why the ACA has been such a great change for our country, at the very least, a great start. We need universal health care, so everyone, no matter what their medical condition, can receive medication and ,medical treatment no matter what they earn.

The answer is quite clear, if one knows much about HIV medicine. The price is the US is SO incredibly high, that unless you have healthcare, and a GOOD plan at that, the medications are simply out of reach price wise.

There are probably hundreds more. Not to say that we don’t create art with its fair share of female robots, but the suggestion that there are ‘so many’ is absurd.

...and yet, if we were to really put forth the effort to research, I’d bet that half of the pop culture robots would turn out to be male. I see the 17 or so you’ve named, and raise you the following;

I have this catalog as part of my extensive laserdisc collection - I haven’t looked at it in years. It used the frame-by-frame feature that all CAV discs had (if a disc was CLV you could not view it frame by frame) and though there was just one Sears catalog, Image entertainment put one out about once a year

I remember having the anti-flash debate with friends over and over again for months. I stood by my premonition that flash would be dead in a year or so. And lo and behold...

Isn't making lame jokes about who uses Siri like for 3 years ago?

I absolutely remember this catalog, as I was ten at the time. I circled the Star Wars toys I wanted (Got a couple of them, too!) But what I find fascinating is how the mind works differently as a kid vs. an adult - I never once noticed the writing (a $2.50 rebate on the Millennium Flacon? ) just looked at the amazing

Actually, you would. In fact, Batman looks to be trembling in fear on many covers. These four were just from a quick - and I mean quick - online search.

It actually runs 24 hours a day - using its internal battery. I have an alarm clock on my nightstand that doesn't run for a second a day, if its not plugged in.