
I started watching several years after its original run. Enjoyed every episode. All the actors were excellent, but the standout performance for me was Kristen Bell as Uda Bengd. I'd seen her in a few other things, but her acting in the few scenes she was in was a revelation…been a devoted fan since.

Miss Liz was one of my first crushes. Watching Legion and Fargo S2, I thought Rachel Keller reminded of someone, but could'nt quite think of who. I immediately realized she reminded of Montgomery as soon as I saw the header photo.

I am recovering from a broken leg and my mobility has been limited so have been streaming and binging various shows. I think this show is awful. Ok, so I watched Fargo S2 before this so my quality meter got pegged, maybe I'm comparing them, etc. But no, this show is poorly written and is soooo slooowwww. Way

I LOVE Reptilicus!!! I first saw it when I was ten or so, on a B&W TV. And Felicia Day!!! I'm looking forward to this.


The one patent I saw was a floor to ceiling pole with a perpendicular structure supporting a seat pad. A strap goes around the passenger's waist. Thats it. Emphasizing the patent angle, to the best of my knowledge no one has attempted to actually certify something like this.

Me too brother. I travel to Europe from Los Angeles often for this job and my company wont spring for anything premium (unless you are a VP or CEO). Also, I'll tell you what I tell everyone who thinks I can do anything about their miserable seats: it could be worse and most likely will.

I'm in the commercial aircraft seating business. The company I work for is the largest supplier of components and mechanical sub-systems in the seating industry. I noticed at least five of our products in those interiors. I can back-up that reduction in First Class seating requirements…my responsibilities used to

I'm in the commercial aircraft seating business. There are patents out there for accomodations that are very similar to standing in a subway car. Air Nippon was even considering something similar for some of their domestic routes (they have single-class 747s for their most traveled routes with the narrowest and

Battlefield Earth had to have been written by someone else…I swear that you can tell at least three people were involved. Ugh…

I'm watching this on Hulu so I am an episode or two behind the reviews, but I just wanted to say how much I enjoy this show. It has involved me as much as any show I can remember. Love it.

Saw it yesterday. Didnt even occur to me that it would have one. This is now my favorite of the X-Men related movies. for me it was an actual film, not a live action comic book. Sir Stewart and Jackman were excellent.

I'm still waiting for S7 to shown up on a streaming service I already subscribe to.
Er…ummm…I'm looking forward to watching S7 when it runs on Hulu in March.

Flashbacks. Or something.

And when (if) this happens, the GOP will scream VOTER FRAUD and tie all the results up in court…

Bruno Mars, guitar? Who knew. Noice…

Those punches look like they are connecting!! Takes real training and concentration to "hit" like that.

Your comment brought back great memories of going to the movies in the 70s. Saw all of these when they were first shown at the cinema. I could add one more though, "Marathon Man". "Is it safe?" still gives me a toothache…

Nope. By the end of this year, we might all be envying the dead…