
"Five Million Years To Earth" on meth.

I love Four Weddings, but have always felt that it would have been the greatest rom-com in film history had the female lead been played by someone else. Anyone else.

Have you read the books? They are terrible reads, but the method The Master uses to create the "nuclear winter" is different and makes more sense than what was done in the series.

The theater I watched it in had some sort of digital sound system that was too loud. Distracted from the film. The film itself I found unique and appreciated Nolan's directorial choices. One touch I liked was Hardy having his mask on for nearly the entire film. As a fan of "The Battle Of Britain" (I saw it as a

Considering Always is a remake of a 40s era romantic weeper, I can forgive it's sappier elements. It was one of my late wife's fave movies and it will "always" remind me of her.

Am I reading into some lines/shots that imply that Gregory may be gay? Shot of him watching Billy deliver pizza, a line about "faggots being treated worse than Jews" in Soviet Union, his excusing the absence of the girlfriend, etc.

I had no idea there was a sequel in the works!! I was just lamenting to some friends that of all the Pixar properties, Incredibles was the one that screamed for it's own franchise. Considering the whole super-hero hoopla of the past ten years, it's about damned time.

So much ass on this show…

He's been lead before, but "Lifeguard" was 40 years ago.

As fondly as I recall his Bond films and The Saint series, I have always liked his performance in The Wild Geese. Hamming it up with Richards Burton and Harris. Thank you for the memories Sir and RIP.

First Dates
New York I Love You!

Been a fan since he portrayed Jim Jones. RIP Mr Boothe, and than you for the work you have left us.

It's about g-damned time Netflix!!! Bring forth Kimmy!!!!

I was looking forward to this film, but like many others, I had some qualms about Hunman. Delighted to read that he is up to the task. We will be watching it this weekend. I need to praise you on this review…one of the best written I have read on this site since it began. Well done.

Thanks for the recommendation! It's on Netflix. Will watch it this weekend. "Kelly's Heroes" too.

Iz about time! I thought the show had been cancelled or had a short season. What's it been. 3 months? Glad its back!!!

The last season just premiered on Hulu, so I'm guessing it might be a while before the new season streams.

One more thing…

Saw it in the theaters when it cam out. Several times. Impressed the hell out of my 13 year old aviation buff self.

I'll watch it.