Rob Payne

I remember that. You might be right. They definitely liked to embarrass her as much as possible. Fun fact: She's my least favorite contestant ever!

I don't think anyone named Ted has literally ever appeared on Survivor.

I don't think it was meanness, not entirely, anyway. He didn't get a chance to finish his pitch because everyone reacted (appropriately) immediately. He probably was leading up to something like, Zeke is dishonest, he's tighter with Ozzy than any of you, we should get rid of Ozzy to ensure that Zeke can't use him in

I was thinking about that this morning too. This could never have happened in season three, for both good and bad reasons. The show really is much less -ist than it used to be.

Was that Earl and Dreamz? I can't remember her name, but the entitled white trash lady is probably who you're talking about? Mimsy or some other stupid name?

No, because even when he was on Redemption Island they still spent 10 minutes every episode talking about how he likes to fish.

Mal-comb = someone's clever way of telling him to cut his damn hair, already.

Yeah, but it should have been.

I cheered right along with him when he picked up that last pin. Funniest gag in a long time. God bless Will Forte.

What you're talking about is the Platonic ideal of Batman, and the 1990s series starring Kevin Conroy is exactly that. Best Batman Ever.

I think it would have been smarter for Tai to "force" a tie pre-TC than go with Brad's plan. He and Caleb bring in Hali as the other outsider, then go to Debbie with the Koah Rong alliance, telling her they have Hali as their swing to protect the trio. Vote either Brad or FFSDT, whomever Debbie prefers. But that would

In spite of what Sandra said, those goats aren't there for Survivor contestants to eat. Fiji isn't their refrigerator. The chickens are literally only there for their consumption, eggs or meat, it's up to them to decide. If they were legitimately dying of starvation, sure, kill and eat the goats. But this isn't Lord

People who don't see Ozzy as a bully might possibly be bullies themselves. He was also a huge jerk to that metal-loving dude in his first season, and all but ignored anyone not named Parvati or Amanda in FvF. If you aren't an Adonis in his eyes, then you're just a lesser being, and he betrays that attitude at every

I think that's why Malcolm, Aubry and Michaela ultimately voted against Tony. Better to side with the majority than risk a tie with no back-up scenarios at this point.

That's a really good observation about Sandra's pointedness, and very evident in the scene between Cirie and Debbie. Cirie's talking about losing a challenge and going to tribal, but dancing around saying those exact words. Debbie just calls it out. I have a feeling she and Sandra would get along great. Or, at least,

I love her. Her YouTube videos are charming as hell, too.

The thing is, everyone should be on the same page with Sandra. No one should want to keep her around for any length of time. The fact that she wasn't immediately ostracized like Tony is a pretty clear indication that she stands a good chance of going the distance again. Whereas Cirie seems to be getting that treatment

Sierra from Tocantins, right? This shows is lousy with C/Sier/ras.

Trish was terrible at strategy, though she was good at accepting being blindsided by her own alliance, which tied directly into Tony being able to continue to do it. Tony couldn't have succeeded without Trish, but Trish could have done just as well or better without him… as long as someone else was doing the

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