Rob Payne

Scotland, P.A., which transports Macbeth to a 1970s burger joint, begs to differ.

Feldman is aware that everyone else is wrong. Dead wrong.


Yeah, I definitely stopped rooting for Zeke after that one tribal in MvGX. But I was rooting for him this season until he started making the same mistakes all over again. I've never rooted for Brett, but I like the guy outside of the game from interviews and things I've seen him do. I think if David had taken it more

If it's Ozzie vs. Becky in a final two, I believe Ozzie wins in a landslide if not a total sweep. But Yul vs. Ozzie will always be close, no matter how it happens or who else might be sitting next to them.

The idols definitely helped Yul, just like they helped Tony later, but a worse player might not have been able to use them as effectively. It's too bad Yul's win might have an asterisk in some people's minds, because he really did play the whole game, all aspects of it, better than anybody that whole season (save,

I think it's interesting that the two people from arguably the most bullied segment of society chose that moment to bully someone for being "a sissy." Interesting should be read as "disgusting." Still, I like both Zeke and Brett. Bad looks, though, definitely.

He hasn't had a chance to watch the edit, but he stated very clearly that he knew the reason his last game blew up was because he decided to make a move against an alliance partner too soon. So… what did he do this time? The exact same thing.

Francesqoi, I believe. I'm pretty sure he did that on purpose.

If it were a final two, Ozzy wouldn't have made the FTC unless he won immunity, which is highly probable but not guaranteed. Neither Yul nor Becky would have taken him. And if he took Yul, he might still have lost the same way he did. Remember, Becky got zero votes.

Yeah, but least Howard Campbell Jr. was passing along coded information to the Allies. Who's Jones passing information to, the lizard people?

Was just about to say this. Some people like to use it to say that's why we shouldn't play violent video games, but this is actually what Vonnegut meant.

I thought all French people were already gay?

God, I love Earl. His reactions are all of us.

Oh yeah! On my last re-watch, I rewound that moment several times. I'm glad she wasn't really hurt, but damn that looks like it does.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who despised her. Really, in retrospect, she's just an idiot who thinks she's real smart, which isn't the worst thing someone can be unless they have access to nuclear codes. But she makes that season even more tough to get through than it already is. It's a good thing Earl, Yau Man,

Percy Fawcett was British, so one would presume.

Yeah, I've always been flummoxed that the guy from Undeclared has had Charlie Hunnam's career. But I'll keep catching his work because of how great he was on that show.

Embrace the imperfection.

When Jeff Probst is mad at you, you're on Probation, son!