Rob Payne

He's like Samson. We thought he got Mjolnir because he proved himself a worthy ruler, but no. It's because that dry New Mexico air combined with Jane's PertPlus conditioner finally let his hair reach lustrous heights no mortal could ever dream of. Now that he's cut it — boom, no more hammer.

It's also at the point where Zander Rice (that's his character name) admits to being the cause of the possible mutant extinction. Logan is basically saying, "Oh, you're the reason we're a dying species? Bye, Felicia!"

One doesn't have to be elderly, though it's more common in that age bracket. The stubborn childishness that can boil over into rage is true of all mental illness, no matter how old the person is. But, yeah, this movie and Patrick Stewart's performance hit it pretty damn spot on.

Yeah, I didn't think you were rewriting it or anything, I just wanted to point out that the show did it on purpose. Internet posterity and all that.

Outside of the pilot, almost each new season/mid-season also features a beloved celebrity dying on screen: Will Ferrell; Jon Hamm; Laura Dern. My money's on Meryl Streep for season four.

In the show's version, we get to experience her awkwardness on similar terms as the other characters (and how she deals with it). The distance created by not knowing the punchline is contextually apt creates this, thus deepening our understanding of Pamela. In your version, she's just bad at telling jokes.

I feel pretty confident that Pamela manages to find the Malibu Crew just as they're leaving, and so she follows them. Wasn't there something else making noise in the building Gail is/was trapped in, besides the Roomba? I think that might be Pamela.

It's funny how just seeing that Presidential line of succession basically answers any and all questions I have to the virus's origins. We elected a bunch of charlatans who dismantled our institutions from the inside, so there was nothing left to protect us when true disaster struck. Badabing badaboom, now we've got an

Doom supports a very strict closed border policy. But that just means everyone already inside gets to stay, so if you've got a favorite spot it should be fine. Also, Taco Tuesdays will finally be a nationally observed weekly occurrence. Win-win!

Who knew Ender's Game was so prophetic? Now where's my Zero-G Battle School? I gots some sick moves I've been meaning to try out.

A Doom Bot on every corner, now that's how you make America safe again.

He meant soon.

Eugene is still alive, he's just been taken by Negan so his mullet is appearing less frequently.

I really hope Jerry doesn't die anytime soon. Without a weekly dose of Eugene's mullet, Jerry's joviality in the face of apocalyptic horror is sorely needed.

I kind of thought she was already one of his personalities before other characters started to interact with her. So… yeah. Yes. I concur.


Mac is most likely bisexual. For the same reason he commits so hard to religion when it suits him, or martial arts or wearing blackface to mimic Danny Glover in their Lethal Weapon homages, Mac is willing to go to extremes to prove himself and there's no reason embracing his queerness can't fall into that territory.

She's not really his type anymore.

Check out the waitress wherever she is
Hope you can sneak up on her
Act like it was totally an accident if she catches you
Instigate current masterplan
Rally the gang to help even if they don't want to
Lie to seem more smarter or more dumber, as necessary
Yell really loudly

Stone's casting certainly helped in the Chinese market.