Rob Payne

It also won an Emmy, didn't it? Something tells me this won't.

A one and done season?

We're done here. Shut it down.


Saturday morning cartoons were the best! Save for all those cartoons that aired daily after school. Oh, and the ones in the morning before school too.

If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis!

God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater has always been my favorite.

<—- No, this is.

At first I thought Adam was also in on it, but he couldn't have been for the votes to shake out the way they did. I want to like that guy, but he keeps getting outplayed.

It didn't surprise me, actually. He was the first person to tell David to draw rocks at the reward challenge, after everyone else simply gave David their support. As soon as Bret said that, everyone else chimed in to draw and David finally decided to play. He may be more comfortable with who he is now, but he's still

The way I had it figured, based on the edit, was that either Bret, Sunday, or Jessica was going home if they drew rocks. Bret because he just came out, out of nowhere, and his story could be conveniently wrapped up with that revelation. Sunday because she's been mostly invisible all season, save for her obsession with

That's a good point, people often interpret noble ideals of honesty like sharing something with the tribe as though it's all just evidence of selfishness and betrayal. Which isn't invalid, considering the game. This is why I come to the discarding the advantage immediately conclusion so easily.

I've liked Adam a lot since the first episode, until the last two weeks he was one of my favorites to win. I guess he still is, but he has been playing frustratingly of late. You're right, though, he was in a no-win situation with the whole Figtails split.

She's my episode one pick to win purely because I was talking to a friend about the new season the moment she found the game advantage. I might have been a little tipsy at the time, but so far it's worked out well enough.

If I were Adam and gotten that reward advantage, the first thing I would have done was tell everyone I had it and that I wouldn't use it to take food/comfort or a loved ones' visit, but if the opportunity for an Immunity advantage came up, I'd use it immediately. If it was an advantage you could share (like a clue),

Is he abandoning the Millennials? Zeke, Adam, Hannah, and Will working together would be a stronger voting bloc than either Ken/David/Jessica or Chris/Sunday/Bret. They could even string Jay along if they can get him play his idol next time. The GenXers are gonna split real soon, I think.

I agree, it's similar to the problems of the first half of last season, too. Eight episodes covered about two days in their lives, constantly recycling to the same beginning/end points until the convergence… in the second half premiere. This season is better, so far, in having forward momentum between and during these

Right? What is this, 1475?

It works sometimes, when the episodes are more or less standalone. Like the pilot, like Clear, like Morgan's flashback, and the one with "look at the flowers", etc. Journeys through the apocalypse is when it's at its most artful, anyway.

That's kind of similar to Ken Marino and Michael Ian Black being paired together in Reaper.