Rob Payne

I think the women are all fine for a while. They've all played pretty under the radar, even Hannah, and the men will now start gunning for each other at a pretty decent clip. I could foresee Jessica ending up a target due to Ken/David-related reasons, but that's about it.

The no-division thing with the GenXers is curious to me. After a very contentious early season, Chris and David seem to be working together fine, and it doesn't seem to matter that Chris, Bret, Sunday, AND Ken all voted against Jessica. I can't imagine that will last the rest of the season, but it is interesting to

I dunno, if he's raising that kid, he's facing some consequences.

Radiohead is A-OK with computers, I reckon.

The "people upstairs," though, only took notice of the increased aggression when she was brought in for another recall based on her behavior exhibiting programming it shouldn't. This was just a normal clean up job, not a recall, so unless Maeve's manipulating the guest to kill her was also flagged (which we didn't

I bet their boss is named Heathcliff!

Let's not forget Storm being impaled and tossed away like garbage, Colossus losing an arm before getting his skull crushed, Iceman's beheaded head also getting crushed, and Warpath getting the full-on comics accurate Wolverining. Days of Future Past was dark as hell before the happy ending.

The basketball scene is unforgettable unforgivable.

Batman v Acne sounds like a job for… Alfred, probably.

Ha! That's awesome. At least half the crowd walked out during that scene when I watched it. That isn't quite as dramatic as it sounds, as only about a dozen people were there to begin with. Still, it's like a badge of honor making it through that movie.

Oh, I know. I just like to rub it in the faces of Warren fans.

While I mostly agree, I do have to say that the visceral terror and disgust I felt in episode five being you-know-who's victim was one of the worst things I've ever experienced in something called "entertainment." And I watched Irreversible in the theater. I can't commend Life is Strange enough for what it

This girl I knew in college would make a great Max…

Chloe's a girl, though?

It makes a hard turn at the end of episode three, and considering how much I liked episode four this isn't the worst thing ever. But, yeah, I enjoyed exploring the world and Max's powers without ever needing to solve the mystery of someone's obvious and inevitable betrayal.

Hollywood never heard a bad idea it didn't like.

She's a Stark and a Dayne, obvs.

4. Lyanna, not Lyssa.

My interpretation of GoT and ASoIaF has always been that what we're seeing is the true story of a legend. In legends, there are always characters who are ultimately meaningless to the story — elder brothers who die too soon, local villains who don't measure up to the big bads — but to the characters who lived that

The point, ultimately, is that Game of Thrones is a story being told. It had an ending before it ever started. The Walking Dead doesn't have an ending, it's not a story being told. It's just shit happening. This works fine in sitcoms, less so in dramas.