Rob Payne

Podrick, too, for that matter. I imagine Hot Pie's still makin' hot pies, as well.

I think Alien 3 is really underrated, actually. It's not particularly scary because of the terrible CGI alien, but it's tense as fuck with some very solid acting. Plus, that shot of shaved-head Ripley and the xenomorph's second mouth might be the most iconic image in the franchise.

Cersei still cares about Tommen, but I think she's basically written him off in the belief that the witch's prophecy will continue to come true. In that sense, Tommen is already dead to her. And in that sense, as her children were the only other things she cared about in the world besides Jaime, she and her brother

That's what I think. Todd may go by the end of the season, and so might the guy who saved Mike, and then eventually the women will leave of their own accord. Because as the saying goes, "Not even if you were the last man on Earth…" Except for Carol. Carol will stay with him. But he will be the last "man" on Earth.

Last we saw of Baelish he was being ordered by Cersei to take the North from the Boltons and to bring her Sansa's head, in exchange for being named Warden of the North. He said he'd do it, but who knows?

Among the nerd yoots today, I think the real debate now is between Sisko vs. Janeway.

Maybe less tragic, but sure.

Yeah, I've been an intermittent obsessive about this show over the years but missed Amazon and Vanuatu the first time around. I eventually came around on Vanuatu once the tribes merged, but Amazon was just a pile of bad players and worse personalities. I hate to say it, but Rob C. didn't impress me much either. He

Saving it for after a tie re-vote seems too powerful to me, but I suppose a literal reading of the rules is a fair reading.

I like it!

Worth it if they all literally hang themselves at Ponderosa.

It could have worked that way this vote, but Julia was already playing both sides.

That's what I think they were planning on too, with the votes being 3-Scot, 3-Tai/Jason, 3-Cydney. Could they play it on a re-vote? Save it for the inevitable Tai/Jason/Scot majority on the second vote after a tie? Or would they only be able to definitively save one of them on the first vote? I really hate super idols.

Ha! A granola idol, I love it.

I didn't watch it until recently, but I hated most of it. It and Amazon are two of the weakest to me, in large part because of the gross sexual politics those seasons embrace.

That season is literally the blurst.

And you get a bunch of men together and the most forceful personality takes over and controls everyone. Until, of course, the inevitable coup. Gender roles are fun!

I'm right there with you. I just like to be prepared for the worst.

I wonder if him voting for Jason is why he got so tight with the gruesome twosome tonight? Like, partly from anger at apparently being left out of the previous Nick vote, and to hide his Jason vote from Jason himself?

What if it's a Jason or Scot final two?