Rob Payne

Yeah, I was thinking about the possible final five situation and got really depressed watching this episode. This might be an engaging season right now, but it will ultimately be a skip on rewatches if Jason or Scot continue much longer. Much less win. *shudder*

And while that super idol ultimately didn't get used in the game, it was still dispiriting to see someone have that much power.

I honestly think Aubry and Cydney's plan could have worked if Joe was more flexible in his voting strategy. First he refused to vote for Dr. Obama and that put him and Aubry on the bottom of that tribe, now he's refused to vote for Debbie. If he had, they wouldn't have needed Julia and they could have orchestrated a

An ontological paradox, or the bootstrap paradox so named for the Heinlein story "By His Bootstraps". Skynet is a good example of this, as it turns out from the events of T2 that Skynet would not have existed if Kyle Reese never traveled back in time in the first place.

Wasn't this story perfected in Spielberg's Hook?

In that one, the answer is everyone.

What if we pay tribute to its theatrical history by casting a girl as Peter Pan pretending to be a boy in order to fit in with the Lost Boys. And the danger in growing up is that she'd be revealed as a girl and would then be treated as less than equal. That's why Pan is so attracted to Wendy, she's a girl who gets to

Felicia Hardy. She takes what she wants.

Oh, good.

I like the tangy zip of miracle whip, myself.

Joker likes butt stuff.

Oh, good.

It was just a goof!

Well, one could argue he does enjoy "sending a message," which is like "mailing semen" if you don't think about it.

The Clown Prince of Cum, apparently.

How much masturbation is too much masturbation? Asking for a friend.

Is it he or Marlon Wayans who loses the arm? I can never remember. Either way, well earned.

Right? Remember how we first met him? He was driving a Lambo and decked out in leather… Wearing sunglasses at night! Clearly, he was living his own Omega Man/Mad Max fantasy like Phil before he found the crew. That seemed to get an upgrade when he and Melissa fell in love, a fantasy he could actually be happy in. Then

It's almost like the writers know what they're doing.

However many useable arms Jorah has, it's too many.