Rob Payne

They are supposed to burn two or three characters we know in some sort of Bolton ritual before/during/after a battle, and if Brienne is in the North then Pod is too. And, so, ugh. I really hope that's a misdirect.

I do think that's an interesting shot to end the trailer on. Because there's no way they're going to make Tyrion, uh, live out one of the unseen Martell's stories, or essentially show his death scene in the trailer. So, I do think he must survive the encounter with the dragons. The question is how much of a bone

Her hair burns off when she's inside the Drogon pyre in the book too.

Yeah, I can justify both Kents being protective of their boy. But the framing is morally reprehensible.

Clark Kent is an American citizen, as far as I know. There was a whole to-do when he revoked it several years ago in the comics.

His depiction of Mary Magdalene in thigh highs and stilletoes would be the stuff of cosplay legend.

Wait. George Miller's Justice League would have had Batman as kind of the main villain, if not the outright antagonist? Man, that would have been interesting.

Yeah, but this Superman acts that way before he's even done any legitimate Supermanning.

Gentrification is a bitch.

I really thought Ma Kent's line from the trailer, "You don't owe this world a thing, Clark," was going to be followed up by Superman looking at her incredulously and responding with something like: "That's not true. This world gave me you, and Pa. (And maybe Lois.)" Instead he just sort of accepts that as motherly

That doomed plant? You guessed it, Frank Stallone the pinot noir grape.

Oh, God… (half a beat) Zod.

This is why I think the essential plot of Man of Steel actually works. Superman is an American citizen, he's the personification of an apple pie cooling on a window sill. But Zod and his Kryptonians are definitely alien invaders. Making Superman as alien as possible is the exact wrong way to take a good idea.

Jesus takes back the Spear of Destiny and uses it to kill Satan, just like he promised.

More and more I'm convinced that Zack Snyder is the definition of "simpleton".

Africa, season three, might be the worst for that. But Lex and Big Tom are always a good time.

I don't disagree, it could have been done better, but for TWD I liked it. But I'm weird in that Morgan's story interests me the most. I was thrilled when he shook that "knight's" hand and was far away from Negan and Lucille.

Totally. And I liked that. Then, nope, classic TWD.

I was really hoping for a gorier take on Hurley and the VW bus.

He was so scandalized, he nearly dropped his monocle in that cup of tea.