Rob Payne

I, uh, liked the Morgan and Carol stuff. *shrugs*

RIP Hot Pants!

RIP Eugene 2.0. You were too beautiful for this world.

You missed the baby, you missed the blind man…

That's BtVS.

Is Zack Snyder directing it? If not, we've got a chance.

Just like Game of Thrones.

I really thought we needed a scene of a younger Ben Affleck as Batman before we got the Metropolis flashback. If we're going to bother with the parents' deaths, we should see its result. It's one of the many weird elisions in the movie.

Ben could really use a forgetmenow right about now.

"Bro, our semen!"

Uh… Neverland Ranch?

Yeah, I just hate eight person juries.

That would look great on a t-shirt.

That's basically what I was trying to say, that someone who is clearly the most experienced and would be capable is considered weak compared to a con man. I get why the con man is a stronger candidate, it's just a sad, laughable state of affairs.

Astin is Samwise, Feldman is Frodo and his music career is the One Ring.

Please stand up, please stand— You know what? Just stay seated, I'll come to you.

I don't know, I think Scot and Tai might have gone with the Brains to vote out Julia, but during Tribal Scot realized Peter was vulnerable at a tie option. He certainly didn't make "original plan" a secret before the voting, but Julia had to be specifically told "Peter" if I remember right. You could be right that

The idea that Hillary Clinton is a "weaker" candidate than Donald Trump should be laughable. Should be.

So, this is going to be a final two then, with nine jury members? Or will one person get voted out post-merge and not make the jury, giving us a final three with a seven-person jury?

I think she knew what "original plan" probably meant when Scot, Tai, and Julia all agreed with it right there at tribal. It almost certainly didn't mean they were voting for either her or Joe, since Peter had no clue what was happening. I'm confident Aubrey picked up on that, so she knew it was between Julia and