Rob Payne

It's easy to be a good sport when you win.

Something tells me the extra Black Widow/Hawkeye footage has less to do with Hawkeye's potential in the overseas market, and more to do with how god damn successful Lucy was.

Yes, every time. I'm expecting Black Widow to fare just as well as J-Lo did too.

While Hawkguy is great, I can't begrudge what Whedon did with Clint Barton. At that point in time, somebody on the Avengers needed a healthy, stable family unit. He's a soldier turned spy, so he's the obvious pick. It's a possible loss, but I doubt they're ever going to do a solo Hawkeye project in the MCU.

Hawkeye Babies and/or Barton Towers coming to ABC Family next Fall!

No, that was this week's episode of The Walking Dead.

Nothing about the trailers suggests someone besides Snyder could have made this specific movie. So, yes, it could've been good.

What a concept!

I was hoping Iggy got this one, but I read it. A.A.'s good people, too.

Way to plant, Cig!

Yes, yes, eat ALL of our shirts!

So, egg salad?

I disagree that he's a bad storyteller, visually speaking. He knows how to tell a story visually, just look at his opening credits for Dawn of the Dead and Watchmen, or his fight choreography. It's stylized as all hell, but it always makes sense. What he's not good at is narrative. He doesn't understand what makes a

In this movie, the slime is acidic?

Rearrange a couple of those letters and you're spot on.

Technically, it's a peninsula…

Classic Jet!

My biggest concern is that there are three kids on this adventure. Every real LotHTer knows that the team should only consist of two kids. This is shenanigans of the highest order.

"Still, Fogg promises fans of the ’90s classic will find much to like about the new movie, regardless of whether they have kids of their own to watch it with."