Bobby Z.

Conspiracy Theory(!): Chrysler makes Vipers, Fiat owns Chrysler, Fiat sorta owns Ferrari... 8.4 liter mid-ship V10 Ferrari!

Is Doug still getting the R32 Skyline? I got lost a while ago and I feel like I missed something.

On the next episode of Things To Do In GTA V...


That'll buff out.

Now playing

not to mention a powerful 6.2L 460hp V8 Motor with 7-Speed Manual Transmission

If Jeremy Clarkson does end up leaving, please replace him with Idris Elba!

Great, it's already a 4-liter RS. Where do we go from here, 991 V8?


Nothing like the road collision on 702 in Baltimore this morning. 30 cop cars, 2 poles knocked down, 1 minute away from my house. Also, a fatal shootout.

This being Gawker media, those 3 used Koenigseggs will be gone by tomorrow morning. Thanks a lot! I had my whole life planned out to buy a used CCXR.

Incredible reach within the marketing team's memory.

Damn! I might have to say "Fuck US tuition," and go to college in the UK. Then I'll buy the car there and bring it back home on summer holidays.

Never chewing gum in any residence ever again.

I feel like Paul Simon wrote a song about this exact topic. Wait, or was it Kid Cudi?

Nah, b. There's NO car left. How the hell can this driver not eventually go to prison?

This "anonymous buyer" might have to Paul Allen'd, so to speak.

Is there supposed to be a kiwi in the headlight, too? I don't see the fruits.

Pick up the box and shake it?

I thought I was coming here to "Watch This OSU Cheerleader Get Naked In Three Photos." I'm not even let down.