
The Lead Actress in a Limited Series category is ridiculous.

Agreed. His characterization of Quicsilver is fantastic.

That was my first thought as well. It would have never occurred to me that Penny and William would be anything more than friends after the movie. 

I thought the movie heavily implied that Penny was continuing her itinerant lifestyle and William moving on from his hangup with her being part of his growth?

Probably one of the worst films released in the year 2000"

A lot of people shit on that $30 price tag but for a family of four that is a huge savings over going to the movies. In my area(Chicago burbs) matinee prices are usually about $8. So that’s $2 cheaper. Then factor in food and getting to the theater and it just makes a lot of sense to do a premier rental.

In North America, that $30 premiere access is equal to about six movie tickets for Disney after you factor in the ticket split between studios and theaters as well as the distribution costs of theaters vs streaming.

It’s so nice that people just correctly assumed this would be a smash hit & we got to skip the “A superhero movie led by a wuh-wuh-woman?!?!” discourse.

That sound you hear is Feige asking Scarlett, “Are you SURE you’re done?”

Great film. A couple of thoughts that stuck with me after it was all over.

I enjoyed it last night, but I had the unfounded expectation that we’d see at least one cameo from another Avenger. When she receives the jump jet at the end, I half expected Steve Rodgers to lower the ramp and walk out, with the movie fading to black immediately after.

My daughter “Awwwww”d big-time that Yelena got her dog. That is all.

If only there was some way you could not watch this.

I’d like to think I could fix their marriage as their third.

It was confirmed after his death that he'd recorded material for the show. Not sure why A.V. Club are reaching out to Disney instead of maybe Googling. 

A lot of the cast list was confirmed at Comic-Con back in 2019, though not some of the big guns like Downey or Evans.

You must have really liked that vampire one.

My favorites

Adz is straight-up my favourite Sufjan, but The Ascension was so uninteresting I too am cheering that he’s back to making folk music again

No, the implication was that all the other Lokis died. The Old!Loki was a variant because didn’t die, but the TVA didn’t notice him until the first interacted with something as that was the first time he affected the timeline.