Robot Seinfeld

It’s cute that he thinks there’s literally any chance that he could ever win an Oscar. Yeah, Kev, it’s just the Hollywood elites keeping you down. Sure, bud. Let’s go get you an ice cream.

It’s still fuckin’ weird though. I did not care for The Mandalorian’s digital Luke, Mark Hamill’s involvement be damned.

This shit is so fucking tragic. I don’t personally care about this game at all, but the idea of games just dying and evaporating into the void forever fucking sucks. Someone’s hard work, gone. The games industry has a long way to go in the conservation department.

Look, I’m right there with you. I don’t give a shit about Assassin’s Creed. I’ve tried multiple times, but these games just annoy and bore the ever-loving fuck out of me. And it’s not just the franchise but the genre it created. I have never been able to finish a game from the Creed-like genre. Open-world

More power to her. While she’s certainly very pretty, my interest in her content is in the negative numbers (her ASMR doesn’t work on me, and I’ve seen some of her pornographic content and, frankly, I don’t think it’s very good), but she seems extremely wise about the way she’s handling all this and doesn’t seem like

I clicked on this article thinking, “Eh, how bad could it possibly be?” But uh, “a primate-like race becoming ‘sapient’ through enslavement”? Jesus Christ, dude. Some people really don’t think AT ALL before they do things, do they?

As someone who is far left, I’m tolerant of anyone whose body, beliefs, preferences, or whatever else don’t harm or affect other people negatively in any way. I am absolutely NOT tolerant of dickfucks who go around harassing or hurting other people (physically or otherwise) for no good reason, or who encourage others

This article could’ve just consisted of, “Best: Shooting things. Worst: Literally everything else that is not shooting things.” I put a few hundred hours into BL2 because it was fun to shoot things in co-op, but my god, the writing in this franchise has been embarrassing dogshit since that game came out.

Maybe Paramount should focus more on making sure their app works on all devices first, before fiddling with their offerings. I use the PS4 app and I’ve never used a more infuriating app in my entire life. It’s super sluggish, sometimes it doesn’t even work (it literally will not play Lower Decks; like, at all), and

I can’t tell exactly how serious this comment is, but I’ll take it at face value.

Psh, Malenia’s not that hard. I beat her like second try.

People like them have always been garbage. All the Trump presidency did was make the garbage people feel like they had more power and influence. They were given a major platform for their views and felt like they were now free to spout their hate in public, loud and proud, because one of them was now (allegedly) the

Same here! I grew up watching Perfect Strangers. No idea if it holds up, but I have many fond memories of watching that with my mom. I was actually kind of surprised by how happy I was to see several actors in particular in this episode. Mark, Tim Roth, and Josh Segarra are all welcome sights. Roth is, obviously,

Disney tries so hard to please everyone they possibly can, they end up pleasing absolutely no one. I genuinely wish this gigantic company didn’t have a legion of cheerleaders who love everything it puts out, because man, I’d love to see them take a hit for literally any of the dumb things they do. (I don’t give a shit

This is for exactly two kinds of people: Gamers who like The Last of Us enough that they’ll watch the show out of either curiosity or enthusiasm, and non-gamers who’ll watch it because it’s another gritty piece of prestige television. I’m in neither of these categories, so I will wish Pedro Pascal the best and be on

I was pretty well checked out when I saw that first trailer for the game. I loved Saints Row 2 through 4, and I’m one of the few people who still thinks the escalating wackiness of the series was great. Those games were profoundly stupid in the best possible way, and I think that was the franchise’s strength.

I don’t think there was any intentional manipulation of the child. I mean, Nathan seemed genuinely upset about the effect the shoot had on Remy. I imagine that, if you’re an actor or anyone in Nathan’s position in Hollywood, you’re so used to the idea of child actors that you don’t really think twice about the effect

Yeah, Stenberg didn’t do anything wrong. Her claims about how she intended the message seem pretty believable, plus there’s this very weird puritanical streak going through parts of sOcIeTy these days, even from people on the Left. It’s like the valid criticism of objectification in art somehow got mixed up with the

I was going to say, “If they really want to give the Star Trek faithful what they want,” they’d cancel the show, but I guess this IS the last season. So, thanks!

a new costume inspired by his original black-and-yellow outfit from the comics (arguably his worst one, to be honest)“