Robot Seinfeld

Anyone who doubts any claim that a powerful, popular old-school comedy guy is a colossal bastard, well, you’ve got some issues of your own you need to work through, my friend. I’m not the least bit surprised. What surprises me is when they’re NOT massive cunts.

This is one of those comment sections that should really be set on fire and tossed in a trash can. Possibly along with some of the participants.

They’re human scum without a brain cell between them. Pay them no mind.

Good! I hope this lawsuit buries them all! I don’t even care about the details!

As decent as that first Wonder Woman movie was, the sequel was one of the worst films ever made and Gal Gadot is generally awful, so I wouldn’t be at all sad to see a reboot of the Wonder Woman branch of the DCEU. I’m not saying that’s what’s happening, but this isn’t exactly heading in a direction I don’t like.

A lot of bootlickers in these comments. Folks, billionaires ain’t gonna fuck you. At least not in the way that you’re hoping they will.

The reception was middling because the game was, at best, middling. Who gives a shit if there’s a single scene of the protagonist looking at his date’s ass? That wouldn’t stop most “woke” gamers from enjoying the game — if the game was actually good. I spent maybe a couple of hours with it, but it just felt like a

God, I had no idea there was an actual Holocaust survivor on Hogan’s Heroes. I wonder what that must’ve been like for him, acting in a comedy that was (more or less) about, presumably, the worst experience of his life.

Look, I’m not someone who believes in slapping laws on every single area of life, but maybe, just maybe, someone needs to put a cap on the number of streaming services. MGM+? Are you fucking kidding me? For Christ’s sake, MGM, just make a deal with a pre-existing service. You don’t need your own shitty platform! Send

Yeah, this. Like, I get it, it hurts to have someone say, “Things have changed and I don’t want to be with you anymore,” whatever the context. But what’s that person supposed to do? Stay with someone they don’t want to be with anymore, just to keep that person happy? Relationships involve more than just one person. It

Hey, uh, would I get in trouble for saying “fuck off” here? I don’t spend a lot of time in Jezebel comment sections. I’ll just imply it here and take my chances.

Say what you will about Seinfeld’s dating practices (and hoo boy, there sure is a lot to say there) but Jerry seems to have a decent head on his shoulders for most other things. I remember seeing a roundtable discussion a while back with him, Louis CK, Chris Rock, and maybe one other comedian. Rock gave Louis

To be fair, children ARE idiots. I know this because I was one. I think kids are cool and should be protected, but most of them ain’t geniuses.

Oh, this shit has been exhausting for a WHILE. When I was younger, before the MCU started, the idea of a big interconnected universe of superhero films sounded awesome. In reality though, it’s just resulted in an overwhelming oversaturation of the genre. It’s too much and has been for years.

“The Democratic Party is still trying to run things for the betterment of others.”

Look, I’m not going to stand here and claim there are no shitty trans people. Like every group, we’ve got some shit-heels among us. That’s just people. But claiming there are multiple real, actual trans people in a single comment section seemingly defending Chappelle or at least supporting his latest public

Yeah, and both Lorne Michaels and the people who still love SNL suck raw asshole. Your point? Fuck them, fuck Chappelle.

The way my brain is wired, I don’t really express emotion very often or even very well. But when I saw this headline, I literally gasped, hand reflexively covering my mouth. I’m gutted. I grew up on The Animated Series. It was what properly introduced me to Batman and, probably, superheroes in general. It set the gold

Yeah, the last thing I’d ever want to do is say anything even remotely beneficial about Weinstein, but I don’t like this at all. I would never, and am not, telling a victim how to talk about their abuser, especially when under the scrutiny of a court, but it’s still objectively fucked to talk about someone’s body like

Don’t make me tap the “Please don’t woobify the war criminals” sign again.