Robot Seinfeld

I really liked the first one, but that trailer does absolutely nothing for me. But hey, they put a bunch of seemingly positive quotes from critics in the trailer, so it must be good, right? Right?!

I know it’s objectively funny to see Musk failing and embarrassing himself in front of a massive audience, but people like Musk genuinely worry me. He’s the same breed of shithead as Trump, just with slightly different powers: a dumb, selfish pigfucker who doesn’t know how to do a fucking thing correctly, but his

I’m extremely mentally ill. I’m bipolar. I’m autistic. I have ADHD. I have a debilitating amount of anxiety. I learned not to be an asshole a long time ago. Ye absolutely deserves to get treatment and I’m sure that would lessen his shitty behavior somewhat, but the man is just an asshole. Always has been, likely always

It’s wild and, frankly, pathetic what gamers will bend over backwards to excuse, even with companies as shitty as Blizzard. $20 to simply change the appearance of a single character in a video game with 35 characters to choose from is absolutely fucking ludicrous. Companies do not give a fuck about you. Stop defending

Say what you will about Tim Allen’s shitty politics, but the man has a surprising number of good family films. The Santa Clause, Galaxy Quest, Toy Story... He performs well in this stuff. I don’t particularly need to see more of him at this point, but credit where credit’s due, I guess.

It’s impossible to tell who he’s playing, so I place no stock in the speculation, but casting him as Reed would be an inspired choice. We already know from The Good Place that he can play a brilliant man whose head is perpetually stuck up the ass of Smart Guy Shit. And as others have pointed out, he’s fucking ripped.

I normally try not to be mean about a person’s appearance, but this dude apparently has a slight chance of being a creep and also I’m a bad person so I don’t care, so: When I saw the header image of this guy, I literally just said, “What the fuck is that?” He looks English. (Source: I’m English.)

Yeah, and Bill Cosby got out of prison. You think I give a fuck about the judgments of the US legal system? Spacey can still rot.

Jesus, this guy’s assholery knows no bounds. Always going above and beyond what we already knew he was capable of. Impressive.

In a moral sense, it’s also not the best option to even consider that as a possible course of action. That’s some Harvey Weinstein-caliber shit right there.

I say more power to him. If I was an old, successful actor in my final years, I’d absolutely be taking relatively easy, high-paying jobs. Fuck it. Get that franchise money. Be in a shitty new Star Wars or the 50th dumb superhero movie in a billion-dollar franchise. Live it up in those end years. Same goes for Bruce

The most damning Bill Murray accusation of all: He hated Chris Farley more than Rob Schneider.

This doesn’t make me want to vote for him, but I guess I have to give him kudos for thinking outside (or, uh, inside) the box. Third party candidates certainly need help in getting attention from the general public, though I don’t think this is the approach they’re looking for. Hopefully someone a bit more savvy and a

I feel like maybe we don’t need to strip every female comic book character of most of their sex appeal? I’m not saying the actress is unattractive here, nor am I suggesting that there are no sexy comic book characters on film, but for some characters, their sexuality is not an extraneous, excessive part of them.

Adult Seth Green deserves to be dropped head-first into a trash can. No child deserves that. I know it’s hip and cool to talk about how much we all collectively hate children because they’re noisy and inconvenient, but they’re goddamn kids, folks. They turn into adults eventually, so maybe we should fucking be nice to

You’re absolutely right that we need to tell all the stories, but when the majority of stories that get told only show one side of a nuanced issue, you’re not really telling all the stories. You’re giving priority to a specific perspective which, while valid, does not represent everyone, and that colors how the

Of course there are no 600-pound actors with any kind of profile in the industry. The industry won’t give them any decent fucking roles. 

There was never anything wrong with loot boxes. The problem was that they were selling them. Giving them out for free upon leveling up was great. Three random items every so many games? Great! Excellent! Very cool! But now that they’ve made the decision to go free-to-play (which is fine) Blizzard is so desperate to

Oh, mercy me! A colossal asshole did something nice for a sick friend and lashed out violently at another colossal asshole! He’s just a nice fella with a few flaws, I guess!

You know, I absolutely agree that Overwatch 2 is half-baked and sloppy as a sequel, but I dropped off of Overwatch back around 2017 or 2018. I decided to check in with OW2 when I heard it had come out, and as much as I hate to admit it, I’m having a ton of fun catching up on all the characters I didn’t get to play