Robot Seinfeld

Christ, you fuckin’ people.

I genuinely cannot imagine spending my rage and indignation on a fucking video game and not, like, racial injustice or transphobia or literally anything else that actually matters and affects people. A couple of years back, I really didn’t like the decisions Bungie was making in Destiny 2. You know what I did? I

When the MCU first came out, I thought it was awesome that we were going to get all these different superheroes in their own movies, in a shared universe, and eventually we’d see them all hanging out together and doing cool shit.

A Clue remake/reboot/rewhatever seems super unnecessary and unwanted. I usually don’t care whether Hollywood remakes or reboots something. When they made Abrams’ first Star Trek movie, I didn’t like it, but I appreciated that it brought in new fans to the franchise. But with Clue, you not only have the beloved

Lance Reddick is great. I don’t care about the Resident Evil franchise and I don’t even have Netflix, but my day is always infinitely better when I see Lance on my TV screen. Such a cool motherfucker.

I get what you’re saying. These things are always tricky. Writing a book about your experiences with mental health in order to educate or encourage others is a valid, noble thing to do. It’s hard being honest about those kinds of things in a public forum.

Yes and no.

As someone who once dated a 19-year-old, nah, dawg. 18 is basically a child. I mean, legally speaking, of course they’re not. That’ s obvious and doesn’t need to be said. But there’s a difference between being a legal child/a legal adult and being emotionally/mentally mature. You don’t just snap out of your childhood

Couple of thoughts.

While I certainly agree with your statement that Netflix “drools,” I’m not quite as enthusiastic about your other thesis, that Amazon Prime rules.

We’ve been getting too much MCU for at least the past 10-or-so years. The people calling this clickbait are genuinely nuts. This is the kind of article that should’ve been everywhere years ago.

“Mind-blowing”? What exactly was mind-blowing about it? I mean, it wasn’t awful, but it was easily one of Disney+’s most mid series to date. Episode five was the only episode of the series that came close, in my opinion, to doing anything truly interesting. Otherwise, it was just some very light, unnecessary

Oh yeah? And which actor would that be? 

Unfortunately, I’m forced (lol) to conclude that this show didn’t really need to happen. Which sucks! Because I was looking forward to this back when it was getting whispered about years ago. Super tired of Star Wars content, to be honest. Give it a rest! Let us breathe!

Most of the known universe liked the movie”?

It’s clearly sarcasm.

I started playing Elden Ring on PS4 over the weekend, and not only does it look fine, my PS4 sounds perfectly fine playing it. In fact, I’ve never known my six-year-old PS4 to ever be particularly loud. I’m not usually one to bitch about games journalists, but this is one situation where I feel like there’s a

I’m convinced that the people who read this website (and by the way, why are any of us still here? The people who own this site suck ass) have never seen real, genuine, no-holds-barred clickbait in their lives. The AV Club is practically restrained, compared to what goes on in far shadier corners of the internet.

Why do you say that? Did I miss a piece of news? Is this all the Moon Knight we’re going to get? I hope not. Love the character and love the show.

I’d really like to take the time and effort to make an edit of that Will Smith/I, Robot meme, but edited to say, “Are you dense?”/”No, are you?” However, I have no desire to waste five minutes of my life doing that. Instead, I will waste two minutes of my life writing this comment.