Robot Seinfeld

I don’t think it’s right that people are dogpiling on you. English clearly isn’t your first language, and you don’t understand the various legitimate ways that the word “they” can be used. You must also be quite young, as you haven’t yet learned that language evolves, and even if “they” was only singular, it could

Perhaps they grew up on MST3K more than they did the Beatles? That’s a show that’ll really give you a crash course in obscure references.

No, POPULAR streaming is one of the dumbest subcultures out there. I don’t watch any of these Ninjas or Pokimanes or whoever the fuck. They’re useless dickbags. There are, however, plenty of lesser-known streamers who are good people and extremely entertaining. It’s the lowest-common-denominators like Pewdiepie and

Not to disrespect Oscar Isaac, who does seem like a nice fellow with a lot of good opinions, but whenever I see headlines like this one, my first thought as a queer person is, “Well, what do you want us to do? Give him a fucking cookie? Stamp his ally card again so he can get a free Subway sandwich?”

For some reason, I’m unable to load more comments beneath your reply, but I’m going to assume you were rightfully ripped to shreds for this incredibly stupid “fake woke” comment. Wonder Woman 1984 was fucking god-awful, and no amount of performative feminism is going to change that.

No, you did not get “canceled” in 2012 for kissing another woman, you dumb motherfucker. It was goddamn 2012, not 1952. She’s a self-centered idiot who is desperate to regain a shred of the relevance and respect that she pissed away dating ol’ Melon Husk for three years. (It feels more like ten years, to be honest.)

I’m not sure I’d call anything in that video frightening or spooky. Mildly eerie, maybe? Pretty funny? Whether the whole thing was staged or not, Fin and Ger definitely deserve credit for playing their roles well. The perfectly timed fetal position at the end was particularly well done.

Anyone who is shocked or up in arms about Kirk being on SNW hasn’t been paying attention. Of course Kirk is going to show up on this show. All Paramount has to offer fans is nostalgia. Neither Picard nor Discovery are anywhere near decent, nor have they ever been. It’s just been a steady stream of bad writing and that

There are a lot of valid criticisms to be made about Disney’s handling of Marvel properties, but the things you’re singling out here are, I’m sorry, just incredibly stupid and irrelevant. I don’t give a shit about special effects. I care about stories and acting — you know, the things that actually make something good

Two thoughts:

Literally everything that involves Lee Pace giving contemptuous glares is worth it. That might be all the Hobbit films have to offer.

I’m going to start with the word “penis” every time and not even God himself can stop me.

Who cares about graphics? “Is this game enjoyable for me to play?” is the only question anyone should ever prioritize when assessing a video game. And it’s a long-running MMO -- it looks fine.

This would’ve been a reasonable take before season two of The Mandalorian aired. That show made Boba Fett actually cool, as opposed to before when, as you said, he was just theoretically cool because of how he looked. I think both Disney Plus series have done wonders for the character.

It’s wild that this is the kind of story my generation gets retold to us through a major, star-studded miniseries. I’m not saying that judgmentally. Like, I think it’s genuinely hilarious and kind of great. “Here’s the exciting story of how a guy stole a sex tape from a couple of B-tier ‘90s celebrities!” Nice. Way to

It’s absolutely stunning how Harry Potter fanatics will bend over backwards to defend blatantly, obviously, unquestionably bigoted content in those books, because... what? They’re children’s books/movies that they enjoyed when they were kids? I won’t specifically call anyone out from these comment threads, but you

Language evolves. Words are there to communicate thoughts and ideas. TERF originally had a specific meaning, now sometimes it means something a little more broad. It serves its purpose. Nothing wrong with that.

It’s not so much that Rise of Skywalker needed more Zorii Bliss. It’s that Rise of Skywalker needed more of literally anyone who was an even remotely interesting or well-developed character.

I don’t know what all you jokers are talking about. Resurrections was fun as hell and the Wachowskis have always been masters of batshit cinema.

Yeah, I’m a leftist and these kinds of self-proclaimed leftists absolutely do not jibe with the values of that philosophy. Dirtbag leftists are basically just Republican edgelords who are too embarrassed to actually associate with Republicans.