Robot Seinfeld

I took the comment as not being at all based on actual events. Just Shiv insulting Roman by equating him to the cliche of the poor school “slut” who lets “macho” types take advantage of her.

The Grammys are a joke. I don’t really care what they do over there. (Or rather, I started to care when I read this headline, but then I remembered that there is literally no good reason on earth why the Grammys should be given any respect or attention.) The thing that actually is wild about this, is the fact that

A) The man plays almost the same character in every movie he’s in. If he has range or significant talent, he hasn’t taken any roles that have pushed him to prove it. Frankly, the only truly good thing he’s ever done is play an idiot on a sitcom, and lately I’ve been starting to suspect that he wasn’t acting.

Hoskins would’ve been a fine Mario in a better film. That movie sucked for decidedly less Hoskins-related reasons.

I remember liking that show, despite the fact that it had Louis CK’s sticky fingerprints on it behind the scenes. Tig Notaro continues to be a good one.

Geez, dude, I know you’re doing the whole “hyperbole for comedic effect” thing, but overreact much? Talking about killing yourself just because you see a couple of teenagers interacting in a, let’s say, “cute” way onscreen is, uh, a bit much. It’s not for you, I get it. It doesn’t sound like it’s for me either. Maybe

I’m right there with you. I actually just sold my Switch to a friend, a couple of weeks ago. I don’t hate the system, and it certainly has some good games, but Nintendo has kind of developed into a niche console maker. It’s not that small of a niche, obviously, but you have to have certain interests or be a certain

Oh, they- they were talking about Wyclef Jean. Not the CEO. Oh. I see.

Of course he fucking knew more than he let on. These motherfuckers always know more than they let on. They only give a shit about money. People are just little moneymaking machines to them. It’s capitalism, baby! Capitalism don’t give a fuck about the human cost. Whatever greases the gears and lines the pockets. At

It’s probably for the best that Lizzy Caplan won’t be returning, since it seems likely that she’d just be inexplicably killed off in the closing minutes of the final episode, canceling out any and all good will that the previous episodes had built up.

There’s not a goddamn thing that this piece of human detritus could ever do, or could ever have happen to him, that would make me want to defend him for any reason. He is a hateful piece of shit who has helped poison the minds of countless human beings and has undoubtedly brought unimaginable harm to innumerable

Good luck with that. Forcing something to become a franchise rarely turns out the way they want it to. If the demand is there, it’ll happen, but you can’t just speak that kind of success into existence.

I heard this song 20ish years ago, even had it on my computer at the time (thanks, Soulseek!) and I don’t think I was ever aware that it wasn’t an official release. I think I just assumed it was a B-side or a bonus track or something. It’s weird to see this article talking about it as a new release, like a small,

Every day, I play a video game. Every day, I watch a porn. Last year, I stopped identifying as a man. So, sure, checks out, I guess!

The most entertaining part of this website is coming down to the comment section of every article to watch the people who still willingly choose to come to this site and read it on a regular basis complain about how aghast they are that the site’s writers are producing the exact kind of content that they know the site

My comment was literally going to be me telling Ubisoft to fuck off, but then I got to the end of the article and, well, now that just seems redundant.

The difference between the two specials was that Gadsby was saying brave, confessional things that more people needed (and still need) to hear, while Chappelle has just been saying the same old bigoted shit that you can hear in every single shadowy corner of the internet (and, frankly, quite a few well-lit ones too).

It’s very easy to say, “I’ve had enough Batman,” at this point, and I certainly did that around the time they announced this movie. But I think I’ve come around on the whole thing. I’ve accepted Batman as this pop culture constant in America. We’re going to get new Batman content every few years, at the very least,

Clint Barton is a fucking good character — in the comics. Jeremy Renner is a decent enough actor, but the writing just hasn’t been there for Clint in the movies. It pains me to see people judging Hawkeye solely on what they see in the MCU. I really hope this show redeems the character a bit, because honestly I can’t

I had the pleasure of embarrassing myself in front of Mary Jo at a Cinematic Titanic live show, back in 2009. At the time, I ran a semi-successful (emphasis on the “semi”) MST3K fan site and had somehow managed to begin corresponding with both Trace’s and Mary Jo’s spouses at some point. One of the perks of this was