Robot Seinfeld

I feel like folks tend to paint “getting news from social media” in broad strokes. I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with getting news from social media, provided you’re doing it responsibly. Obviously, using paranoid Aunt Margaret’s Facebook memes as a source is dumber than a bowl of mice, but if you’re

What’s the matter? Not enough posts about Jimmy Fallon’s latest hi-larious spoofs and goofs?

I like Marvel movies for the same reason I like Fast & Furious movies: they entertain me. They’re silly, usually pretty lowbrow, and yeah, not that complicated, but when I sit in front of one of them, they hold my attention and I usually don’t regret the time I spend with them.

I feel like most people aren’t so much interested in Jeopardy! itself, but are mostly interested because they care about Alex Trebek’s legacy. He was the perfect host for the show, if not the most perfect host in all of game show history. Those are some big shoes to fill, and I think most people just want to see Jeopar

Whenever I’ve said anything about Norm over this past week, I’ve always phrased it along these lines: “Norm was a fucking asshole who had some pretty bad takes, but holy shit, if he wasn’t also one of the funniest goddamn men who ever lived, and I hate that he won’t be around to tell any more of his godawful,

Now, you see, this is the kind of response I expect from a decent portion of Destiny’s fanbase. I have no intention of setting foot in that Destiny subreddit again, nor having anything else to do with that game anymore, but I just know there’s a group of Destiny fans siding with Marty because he’s old-school Bungie,

Ah, the AV Club comments section, where it’s most people’s first instinct to not believe alleged abuse victims, even when they’re children.

I know the Weezer cover is, in every way, unimaginative and about as vanilla as you can get with a Metallica cover, but please try to see things from my perspective, someone who has been cursed with an intense hyperfixation on Weezer for over 20 years.

I can see what you’re most likely trying to say — that, due to the perceived maturity of their actions, these people don’t deserve to be called Men, because Men are somehow better than Boys and, so, this person should choose to date better men  but let’s call a spade a spade. These were (presumably) full-grown men

As well-remembered as Marvel Heroes is, I think it still doesn’t get enough credit for how much fun it was. I spent a couple thousand hours with that game across both its PC and console releases and dumped probably a few hundred dollars into it (not because I had to, but because I wanted to... and because I have

Kevin Feige, is that you?

Jesus Christ, I’m developing a twitch from trying to skim through some of these comments. Why I chose now to violate the “Never look at the comments” rule, I do not know.

I fully support the existence of pedophile NPCs in video games, much like how I support the presence of Nazis in video games: It allows me to kill them brutally with zero repercussions.

How fucking dense and/or racist do you have to be to think that any of this shit is even remotely acceptable at any point within the past 20 years? Hell, the past 40 years, even. (Not that it was ever okay. I’m just speaking from a cultural standpoint.) How the hell does this stuff slip through? It’s mind-boggling.

Stefan Heck is a known (and, in my opinion, often hilarious) troll. (Remember the Jeremy Renner app porn debacle?) He’s obviously just messing with the guy for shits and giggles.

Saw them play Camden last week, and Weezer is at the top of their game as live performers. The setlists aren’t always 100% great, but they still know how to rock. Also, for anyone wishing the band was still good, check out Everything Will Be Alright In The End and their self-titled White Album. Rivers has still got

Anyone who genuinely thinks that “political correctness” (i.e., general human decency) hinders comedy is one lazy motherfucker. Stereotypes are a weak foundation to build comedy upon. Do better.

Oh, don’t fucking start crying about censorship, you tiny little baby. Just because you CAN do something, doesn’t mean you SHOULD do something. Stop and think about how certain actions can make marginalized people feel, rather than only considering how it would make you feel. It’s called being a fucking decent,

As someone who loosely affiliates himself with the Christian religion (and, folks, let me tell you, that affiliation is getting looser by the day) this particular sect (the gun-toting, “Yay, America!” set) has always and will always skeeve me the fuck out. How anyone can read the teachings of Christ and get what these