Robot Seinfeld

If it’s not Batman, then I’m not biting.*

I’ve never shared the general public’s enthusiasm for the franchise, no matter how hard I’ve tried. Not to dis dinosaurs, but I kind of grew out of my fascination with them. Maybe I simply didn’t encounter these movies at the right time in my life.

My only experience with Greta Gerwig is Frances Ha, and I thought that was the most insufferably twee movie I’d ever seen. If her other stuff is even remotely like that one, I’m out.

I’m not even a Hamilton fan and I know that’s absolute bullshit. The dude seems solid.

Yeah, that’s what I was going for.

Okay, first and foremost, fuck you, Jeffrey, for (yeah, yeah, “allegedly”) doing this shit to these women. But also, fuck you for forever tainting my enjoyment of two great comedy series.

I hate the fact that I, a kaiju fan, am absolutely one of the target audiences for this. I’ll see it in theaters, but I won’t feel good about it.

If I encountered a clone of myself, I’d give me a pity fuck at most. No kissing.

Oh, thank God it’s just some guy I don’t give a shit about.

You know, I’ve been a big Star Trek fan since I was a kid watching new episodes of TNG, and I love those six TOS movies and think Shatner’s Kirk was an excellent captain. Fuck Shatner, though. His “anti-SJW” Twitter rants have stripped away any kind of novelty factor associated with him, and now he’s just a shitty old

Which one in that second clip is the robot? It’s hard to tell when neither of them have souls.

It is statistically impossible to win an argument on the internet.

God forbid someone other than a straight, white male get a shot at something. Lord knows, you guys certainly don’t get enough action in this world. Poor dears.

My crush on Armie Hammer is offended by that.

For me, their most memorable song is "Fire Escape." They seemed to be trying to ape the Beatles' melodies on that album, and I feel like this was one of their songs that nailed it. It also has a fairly entertaining, if not a bit presumptuous, music video.

The anniversary of my mother's death. How appropriate.

My God, Rivers really is turning into a Woody Allen lookalike. The fact that he's nearly 50 is horrifying to me, especially given that his lyrics haven't really evolved (devolved, really) in the 21 years since Pinkerton. And also because it makes me feel damned old.

Oh, thank God, because if there's one thing Joss Whedon is good at, it's handling other races well.

Eh, it's a bummer, but I'm satisfied. My favorite era (Mike's Comedy Central episodes) is available on DVD in its entirety, with Girls Town and Transparent Man being on this upcoming set. Shout Factory has gone above and beyond.

God, it feels so good to see some decent criticism of the new season. I'm about as die-hard of a MSTie as a person can get, and I'm not feeling the season so far (I'm only two episodes in, admittedly). Learning about the uneven shooting/recording schedule just breaks my heart and reminds me of Arrested Development's