Robot Seinfeld

I'm only a few hours into Andromeda's single-player (just about wrapping up Eos) and I don't think it's a bad game. Its biggest sin, aside from the animations, is that it's just not as engaging as the original trilogy. I find myself less enthusiastic about finding time to play it. I'm just kind of, "Yeah, I'll get to

If this is an elaborate ploy to get me to finally lay down cash for the complete Buffy and Angel DVD sets, then goddamn you, whomever is responsible for this, it just might work!

I'm sure I'll be mostly alone on this one, but I enjoyed Head Carrier and I'm glad the Pixies are still around, even if it is sans Kim. It's not the same as it used to be or as good as it should be, but that's how shit goes sometimes. They're still better than most.

I like Destiny. It's dumb and highly imperfect, but I enjoy it. It feels right.

Giant mechs and giant monsters beating the shit out of each other. THAT'S the point now.

My favorite Pretender is Thunderwing.

I'm digging a bit further back for this one, but C.K. Dexter Haven from The Philadelphia Story. Such an unnecessarily convoluted name that perfectly communicates where the character comes from in life. The name, of course, sounds best when being spoken by a drunk Jimmy Stewart.

I came here on a beautiful Friday afternoon to sit on a bench, feed the squirrels, and watch the AV Club commenters bitch about Hamilton posts like a bunch of spoiled little babies. Isn't nature wonderful?

I'm going to go ahead and invoke a variation on Hodgson's Law: It's just a comic book, and you should really just relax.

I'm probably the only person in these comments who's disappointed that they didn't actually talk about The Santa Clause, even though the film was listed in one of the headers. I still believe that film is far more charming than it has any right to be.

No! You were one of the tolerable ones!

The future Deathstroke in that episode was Slade's son, if I remember correctly. Something to that effect, at least. Presumably, Slade was already dead at the time. My memory is a bit foggy, as it is with all things pertaining to the largely forgettable Legends of Tomorrow.

I've managed to spend most of the game's development period free from the influence of the hype. In fact, I wasn't even intending to pick the game up. But, after seeing a number of friends playing it, I gave into peer pressure and bought it.

I'll never understand the seemingly common opinion that the 2001 series is the best TV version of The Tick. The animated series was brilliant and hilarious. The first live action series was decent, but lacked the "pop" of the cartoon. Maybe I'm just biased from growing up with the animated series, but in my opinion,

My fond memory of Kim is from the reunion tour, back in 2004. She played "Head On" in the wrong key, so Frank made the band play the song a second time in the right key. Which sounds a lot more fascist than I believe it actually was. Kim was laughing about it, clearly embarrassed.

*looks inside bag labeled "BAD WEEZER SONG Do Not Listen!"*

For me, it's Stargate SG-1. As far as I'm concerned, that show had eight solid seasons. Seasons nine and ten were lazily tacked on. Hell, even the showrunners wanted to rebrand those last two seasons as another series entirely ("Stargate Command," I believe) before the Sci-Fi Channel (or were they SyFy at that point?)

As a white person who grew up in the '80s, the only "Sledgehammer" video I recognize involves claymation.

I shudder to think of how many zeroes must be on that check.

*pushes glasses up*