Robot Seinfeld

There are two reasonable reactions to the idea of a Ghostbusters reboot: Indifference or excitement. Raging against a reboot (remake, or whatever you want to call it) is pointless. It's just a movie, and its presence doesn't diminish the existence of the original. If it genuinely upsets you, then there is something

My Phish fandom only extends as far as the Analyze Phish podcast, so I'm going to take this opportunity to say I miss you, Harris Wittels.

I love Valkyrie and I'm glad to have Thompson playing her, but has she ever been a love interest for Thor before? I'm not super familiar with comic history, so this isn't an informed opinion, but I'm not thrilled with the idea of Thor and Valkyrie together. I'd much rather see him with Sif, even if the MCU's Sif has

Ah, Riddick and TIE Fighter. I knew I had to be forgetting some movie-adjacent games. Still, I think Mordor does an excellent job with what it's given. It has no right to be as good (in my opinion) as it is. The idea of making a violent action game loosely based on Tolkien's works is just comically hacky. But, I think

A few weeks ago, in a fit of unwise decision making, I bought a PS4. While I've mostly been using it to indulge my need for a dumb shooter in my life with Black Ops III, recently I've been playing through Shadow of Mordor. Despite the occasional frustrating mission (and another boring, stubbly white guy protagonist)

I like Constance Wu. What I've seen of Fresh Off The Boat was pretty good. (The only reason I'm not still watching it is because I have such a low tolerance for sitcoms these days.) I'd certainly like to see her in more things.

Slimer? Oh, you mean ol' Onion Head?

Nothing Compares 2 MapQuest

Well, he's probably dead then. It is 2016, after all.

I absolutely loved his Godzilla. As someone who grew up watching Godzilla movies on MST3K and the Sci-Fi Channel, it reawakened a love for kaiju films in me that I didn't know I had. Objectively, it's not the best story, but for me, it was a near-perfect Godzilla delivery system. I've never been so giddy inside a

I always wish the "mainstream" internet would just politely ignore the existence of memes. Not because I don't enjoy the occasional meme, but because it's really fucking embarrassing. Just let the niche corners of the internet have fun with their silly jokes. No one else needs to know. Just, just keep walking. Nothing

Here's hoping Enver Gjokaj ends up somewhere good. Dude's way too talented to be left floating in unemployment limbo.

The wolf dead.

I like Tony Hale and Adam Pally!

Well, congratulations, Yacht. Now I've heard of you.

As someone who has tried unsuccessfully (so far) to write a book, it always bums me out to see a book get bad reviews. Writing a book is a hell of a thing, but to have it turn out bad? Man, I always feel sorry for the author, even when I shouldn't.

As a nearly lifelong citizen of New Jersey, my initial reaction to anyone speaking poorly of NJ is always to be offended and want to refute whatever claims have been made against my state.

I was trying to be kind!

Phew! Thank God you cropped the fatties out of that header image! I thought I was going to have to look at people who are slightly less than the Hollywood ideal for a moment!

So, was Hughes trying to find the most punchable picture of MacFarlane on the internet, or was this just kind of a happy accident?