Robot Seinfeld

Hey, they're making a Captain Marvel movie! That's got to count for something!

"Marvel has a very strong record of diversity in its casting of films."

This works out well for Fey who, in addition to the Mean Girls musical, needs the extra time to plan out her next racially insensitive gaffe.

I like most things better when they're associated with Aubrey Plaza.

The Really Bad Weekend of Ultron.

Of course. That's what I would've done 10-15 years ago, before I learned not to be a dick.

AoU's greatest sin is almost everything it did with Black Widow. Especially, her inexplicable romance with Banner. The best thing the Russo brothers can do with their MCU reign is casually dust that relationship, and everything that came with it, under the rug. (And make way for her far better romance with Bucky

Pat, I'm a Christian and I am also telling people not to see God's Not Dead 2 because it's ridiculous (and harmful and alienating). Did I just blow your mind, Pat? Am I being too edgy for you?

As long as there isn't a two-minute sequence of vehicles fucking, I'll give it a shot.

This comment is a real Sophie's choice. Do I upvote it for the Weird Al part, or do I downvote it for the Chicago slam?

I know what this article is about.

I'll come on your, uh, age.

Simply put, Weezer does not make albums for us anymore. Rivers doesn't care about stroking our nostalgia. He only cares about writing what comes naturally. (Don't ask me why so much of what comes naturally to him now is juvenile garbage. That's a whole other discussion.) Weezer is still very popular with tons of fans

I just had a very mild panic attack, followed by frantic googling, because I wasn't sure who did the song first and was afraid I'd have to turn in both my Pixies and Bowie fan cards.

TRUE CONFESSION: I backed the MST3K reboot Kickstarter, but I think the reboot is probably going to be terrible. My nuts?

Oh, leave her alone. We all turn into Wayne Newton eventually.

Anberlin? I hardly knew Berlin!

Hugh Jack City.

I've always been partial to "Huge Yakman," myself.

I actually really like Pop, and Discotheque in particular. I even think Zooropa isn't terrible. There's something about artists (in any medium) taking a rough left turn that really appeals to me. I like to see what else they can do, even if it's weird or sub-par. The snark and glam of that era is just really great to