Robot Seinfeld

That's hot.

*fumbles around in pocket*

Are we really going to talk about distinct Weezer bass lines and NOT mention "Tired of Sex," Kevin McFarland? Are we really?

Yeah, I'm really not seeing the Black Widow hate at all. I didn't care for her in Iron Man 2, but that film was kind of a dull wreck overall, so I consider her just one of many casualties. I thought she was good in The Avengers, and I think she looks great in what I've seen of Winter Soldier. And I say that as someone


That was the origin of the sickness, yes. And, to be clear, I'm not so much referring to her physical appearance here. Just… this is… not good. I mean, yeah, white people do generally ruin things for black people, but she really didn't have to go out of her way to emphasize that here.

The crush I had on Cameron Diaz when I was a kid is spinning in its grave.

The version in Shrek wasn't Buckley's; it was Rufus Wainwright's. The article doesn't explicitly say it was Buckley's version in the film, but it seems to be implied.

Finally, I can complete my Sam & Max cosplay!

I'm actually really glad they didn't pick mine. My girlfriend broke up with me around a week or two after I submitted my question. So, problem solved?

My girlfriend recently won a Magic tournament. HOW ABOUT THAT, O'NEAL? HOW ABOUT THAT?

"Yeah, leave the zombie-show-running to the guy with the billion-dollar suit! COME ON!"

Nah, I still would.

He had that country named after him, too.

He had that country named after him, too.

Ugh, there is no point to Kristen Schaal, because she's not going out with me. No point whatsoever. In fact, there is no point to any person who is not going out with me. Jon Stewart? Not my girlfriend. Useless! Everyone who's not dating me should just stop bothering. Just, just stop.

Ugh, there is no point to Kristen Schaal, because she's not going out with me. No point whatsoever. In fact, there is no point to any person who is not going out with me. Jon Stewart? Not my girlfriend. Useless! Everyone who's not dating me should just stop bothering. Just, just stop.

Kurt liked pop music. I honestly think he would've been amused by it. If he weren't dead. Mostly, however, he's just dead.

Kurt liked pop music. I honestly think he would've been amused by it. If he weren't dead. Mostly, however, he's just dead.

As a New Jersey resident, I always start out getting offended by Jersey jokes, but that always immediately gives way to, "Well… yeah, you're right."