Robot Seinfeld

As a New Jersey resident, I always start out getting offended by Jersey jokes, but that always immediately gives way to, "Well… yeah, you're right."

Oh, who cares? It's not like this is erasing the R-rated cut from the face of the earth. If people want a version with a few less fucks, why the hell not? This is akin to people complaining about remakes. The original will still exist, and it will still be as good as it ever was. The new version isn't going to change

Right, because Guitar Hero was stopping people from learning to play a real guitar. Those bastards.

If I could press a button and have the world instantly blow up, I would do it.

Marah Eakin

FlashForward may have been worse than V, but it was still more watchable than V. If a show must be bad, then it should be ridiculously, DELIGHTFULLY bad, which FlashForward was. V is merely boring. Bland. Sterile. I feel like I'm watching a Star Wars prequel. There's so much talent and potential there, but none of it

An Idea:
The members of U2 should follow the actors around on the ground, whenever they have to fly through the air. They'll be carrying around one of those old trampoline-like things that firemen used to use in old movies and cartoons to catch people jumping out of burning buildings.

Seeing those two together hurts my head and my heart. It's like seeing a goddess mingling with a cheap whore. (And let's face it, whoring herself is exactly what the bulk of Ms. Munn's career has consisted of.) Hey, I'm not necessarily saying no to either of them, but I feel like Christina deserves better than both

Conroy's Batman sounds stereotypically "manly" without falling over the line into "cliche." It's what Optimus Prime would sound like if he didn't watch The Searchers every morning after he wakes up.

I feel like the Patrick Stewart one was necessary for the sole purpose of killing it. Like, it has gone as far as it can go, and anything that anyone tries to make beyond this is unnecessary and not funny, so just stop. In Magneto's words, "The line must be drawn here! No further!"


Anderson's retired, more or less. He still shows up for the occasional cameo, but he had a knee injury, gained a bunch of weight during his recovery, and now he seems to just want to spend time with his kid(s?) and be left alone. After starring in two successful TV franchises spanning three decades, I'd say the man

SG-1's first eight seasons were solid. When MacGyver left, it went to shit. Atlantis was less enjoyable, but still mostly watchable. Robert Carlyle is great, but Universe is basically just "Hey, guys, can we be Battlestar Galactica too?" It's been going downhill fast, so it kind of needs to die soon, with what little

Looks too similar to the Creative Commons logo.

Akon? I don't know from Akon. Is that some sort of anime thing?

Possibly both.

Pretty girls aren't funny? Get the fuck out of my house. Or just go meet better women. Whichever. I mean, there's an element of truth to what you say, but I don't think it's fair to absolutely generalize. It is entirely possible for a pretty woman to be funny. It is rare, though.

Charlyne Yi is not ugly. Stop being shallow-ass dicks. HOWEVER, she is kind of really annoying. Maybe it's just because I dated someone who acted a bit like her. I don't know. Either way, she really grates on me. She's like that one friend who's always high and constantly just says the stupidest, most nonsensical

It's always the sign of a good life
when you can work the word "masturbating" into a person's obituary.

I'm confused by this, yet again.
So, how exactly do they choose whom to sue? I mean, millions upon millions of people download music illegally. Is it simply a matter of the cops not being able to pull over EVERY car that's speeding on the highway, so to speak? Some unlucky sods just happen to trigger that bear trap?