Robot Seinfeld

Can I still use the word when talking about Transformers? Ironhide was the last one to be publicly offended by the word, and we all know what happened to him.

My barber's name is Manny.

"a few decent tracks padded with sub-par songs"
I, for one, am SHOCKED!

I can't be the only one
who thought of G.O.B. Bluth every time they showed that magician kid getting mugged. I mean, seriously, what the fuck? COME ON.


America's TV dad?
Somewhere, the ghost of Hugh Beaumont is saying, "Fuck you!"

Wasn't the Oh La La magazine hidden inside the almanac's cover, not the other way around?

Jesus denies all involvement.

Yeah, this is the only mostly-negative review of this game I've seen yet. Thus, consider it DISREGARDED.

Brutal Legend was choked to death by those RTS sections. Had it just stuck to being hack-n-slash, it would've gotten by pretty well. The game was fun and funny, otherwise.

What's the point of watching a TV show in order to support it if you don't have a Nielsen box? Nielsen doesn't track everyone who watches TV, just the small percentage of the population who have Nielsen boxes. People always say, "If you didn't watch, it's your fault!" Well, no. It's the faults of the people who have

"That's no moon…
It's Unicron!"

For Zod? Sure. But for Superman, Snyder will either go with Jon Hamm, or he will fail miserably and die alone and afraid.

You know, I'm one of the last few people on the Internet who enjoys U2 and likes Bono and the boys. Obviously, this Spider-Man musical idea is ridiculous and bewildering, but I have to give ol' Bono and Edgy a pat on the back for trying. I mean, I know they can be a bit nutty and out-there, but they have to know that

What would you prefer? Alfred Molina doing lines of blow off of Lindsay Lohan's breasts? Actually, yeah, that would be better.

At least she's still in mint condition. She'll fetch a premium on eBay in a couple of years.

Alison Brie
is a fine lady. I would like to take her out for a nice, expensive dinner and, perhaps, a foreign film at the local cinema. Then, after having a thought-provoking conversation with her about the political subtext of the Nordic film we have just watched, I would return her to her home and walk her to her

If by "a bump of a letter" you mean "absolutely nothing," then you are correct.

I am an expert on Lucille Bluth, and that woman is NO Lucille Bluth. The name of this show is not "Archer," after all.

The Santa Clause is a delight. DELIGHT.