Robot Seinfeld

Make Believe was the last album of theirs that I truly anticipated, and that was because they had released a few dozen promising demos online several years prior. Of course, Make Believe ended up sounding nothing like those demos (all of which were, by the way, recorded before Rivers went the way of the hippie), thus

Kenan Thompson is not funny. At all. Kenan and Kel were never funny. At all. At least this dude can do spot-on impressions. He doesn't need to be too funny on his own, since most of his material will be written by other people; he just needs to be able to perform well. And he seems capable. I'm down.


Uh oh.
I'm getting some pretty intense Suck Vibes from Killam and Bayer. Brittain seems to have at least an ounce of visible potential, though. So it goes…

It's never worth it. They could give you a blowjob from Scarlett Johansson with every pageview and it would still leech a small fragment of your soul away with each click.

I'm pretty sure she was one of the first ten women I ever fapped to. Daisy Fuentes was number two, I remember that much. And number one was some stripper in an ALF TV-movie.

"Less than promising"? Really? I thought it made it sound pretty damned promising.

*sigh* Okay, you're right, guys. I was wrong. Molestation's cool.

Oh! I get it! Because he probably enjoyed the Star Wars franchise! That is SO. CLEVER. It totally makes sense because, I mean, who would ever love one of those people?! AM I RIGHT?!

I'd like to quit HER job.

My father seemed to enjoy Baldwin's "The Shadow"…
But then, he also thought the Paul Blart: Mall Cop trailers looked good, so take that for what you will.

Does anyone else remember Munn once saying she didn't play video games?
So, uh, retcon?

I second the "horseshit" thing.
Mostly because it told me I write like Dan Brown. (Something which I will now take to mean, "I write like Tasha Robinson." Much better.)

This episode is a little too fantastical for me…
Women cannot love fat gentlemen.

I just killed a bobcat in Red Dead Redemption mere seconds ago!

Only if Neko Case is also in that room.

@The Artist
Everyone deserves a second and/or third chance.

Et tu, A.V. Club?
Has the charity that his anti-Leno actions earned him already run out?

A clarification that no one asked for:
Lewis didn't actually believe that was how heaven and hell operated. The story was merely an exercise in imagination and exploring possibilities, or something to that effect. I think he addressed it in the preface or something. Can't remember; it's been a while since I've read it.

Suicide pact? Anyone?