damn, i used to love cliffyB for making one of my favorite game sagas of this generation, but everytime he tweets or writes an article i just cringe all over the fucking place and feel dirty for loving his work lol
damn, i used to love cliffyB for making one of my favorite game sagas of this generation, but everytime he tweets or writes an article i just cringe all over the fucking place and feel dirty for loving his work lol
Here's a slightly updated version.
Some seemed rather disappointed this announcement isn't Half-Life 3—and can you blame them?
"It was fucking a dead female and it looked like rape, so we put a dead male in her place instead... and it looked like gay rape."
That's the opposite of what happened. They said themselves they felt it added the wrong element and vibe to the game, they couldn't nail what they were going for and thus removed it. Seems to be 100% their choice and not in anticipation of any backlash.
it always makes me sad how the perception of over sensitive people (AKA united states citizens lol) often makes developers remove stuff like this from the final product
Still have likely psychological damage from this scene. I imagine the pig thing would have been worse.
Hell yes. This is show is shockingly over-rated.
What're you, Amish? People don't become mentally unstable if they play GTA before going to college.
Not too strict, though. You don't want to bear down too hard on kids too early, lest they become more prone to violating/not fully comprehending the trust you'll suddenly invest in them once they're shipped off to college. Being strict with a kid doesn't necessarily mean they'll automatically know right from wrong. Of…
Why do you dub any parent that bought this game for their under 18 child as having no sense. Have you ever thought that some bought the game knowing what it was, and realizing that their kids were not idiotic enough to take it as anything real or a glorification of violence.
College? That is a bit overboard.
Er... always? The WASD is pretty much a D-pad.
My fiancee is going to lose her shit over this.
When's the last time you used a +D-pad for a PC game?
HALF-LIFE 3 CONFIR— oh, wait.
Luigi kind of is a janitor nowadays, vacuuming old mansions and all.
I'm presuming choosing the name 'Charles' might have been too obvious.
Naming your son after a psychopath? Sure why not. When he ends up burning down a village and attempting to take over the world the parents only have themselves to blame. Hopefully some parents out there are trying to conceive cloud before its too late.
Don't need a Metal Gear film.